Writers' Workshop

        We will have little authors in here!  Every week, we will have Writers’ Workshop.  This approach will utilize Pre-Writing, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publication. Sometimes, there will be a picture prompt, or a poem to lead the children in to the exercise.  Most of the time, however, the children will create stories using their imaginations or own experiences.              This is such an exciting time!  Ultimately, each child will choose which of his or her pieces will be published.  Also included are applicable lessons that focus on the parts of speech, punctuation, and good grammar in general. Your student will write a persuasive essay, a personal narrative, a descriptive essay, a research report, different types of poetry, and creative writing this year.
       Each published piece and others written more informally will be graded. All of these works will be sent home by the end of the school year.  

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