Friday, January 5, 2024

Happy New Year! :) Stay warm!


Our Snowflake Snowmen

Hello, dear parents!  Happy New Year!   I hope you all are doing well!  I REALLY missed your kiddos and was so happy to see them this week!  I pray you all had a blessed Christmas break. 

 A few things about next week:


1/9- (No Memory, but we will have a short matching test over the commandments.  They will need to be able to match the number of the commandment with the commandment.)

 1/12-The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


SPELLING WORDS for Friday, January 12th: (from “Happy Birthday, Dr. King!”)

peaceful, protest, fare, injustice, boycott, civil rights, dream, equality, freedom, movement, treatment, kindness, *stupendous


*Report cards will come home next Friday. 


Other News:

*The annual AUCTION to support the scholarship fund will be held February 24, 2024.  Our class is sponsoring a “Get Outdoors” themed gift basket.  Please sign up on the list below to bring an item or items to add to the basket. If you would like to donate an item that is NOT on the list, feel free to add it below. If you have any questions, you can contact Brandy Erisman at or Autumn at Please have all items to school no later than January 26th, 2024. Please add a tag on each of your items of the value of the item to allow us to better value each basket. Thank you!

 A link to an Amazon Wishlist is below to help if it's easier to purchase an item, or you may reach out to Autumn Rayl directly to donate money towards the basket!


Link to sign-up list:

Link to Amazon Wish-list:


* If you would like to help with the annual auction, there will be a meeting on Monday, January 8 at 6:30 in the 6th grade/Mrs. Stevenson’s class room. If you would like to purchase your tickets for this year’s auction on February 24, here is your link to do so:


*LUTHERAN SCHOOLS’ WEEK IS COMING UP!  January 21st—28th:  This is a special week set aside by all Lutheran Schools nationwide to celebrate together.  Timothy has a fun Spirit Week that week, where we dress in a special way every day and also do special activities.  (PLEASE don’t go out and purchase anything for these days—Just use items from around your home!)

Theme:  “Connected”

Sunday-All students will sing in church.  Times and details to come! 

Monday-Connected to CHRIST ***Wear Timmy Gear (any Timothy shirt or red, white, and blue!) At-School Project:  Make cards for homebound members to remind them of Christ’s love! 

Tuesday-Connected to the FAITH ***Dress up as any part of Creation!  (Nature, people, animals, etc.)  At-School Event:  Zoo-Mobile will be visiting us!

Wednesday-Connected to the SPIRIT and His Fruitful Gifts ***Chapel -Family Dress Theme—Chapel Families will pick their theme.  (We will do this when students return in January!) At-School Activity: Fruits of the Spirit Fun!

Thursday-Connected to the CHURCH ***Dress as a Bible Character or a Bible Story   At-School Project: The Bible Bee! 

Friday-Connected to His COMMISSION***Dress Your Best!  All-School Activity: Grandparents/Special Person Day/Talent Show—12:30 dismissal


TALENT SHOW-  Please click on the link below to see a message about the Talent Show from Mrs. Stevenson.  Permission slips also came home!  That is attached.  :)

God's Blessings,


We studies leaves today!

Information about Snow Days:

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