Friday, November 17, 2023

Have a beautiful weekend!

 Hi, 4th grade parents!  We have had a wonderful week! 

 Please see below for important events coming up:

*Today is Mid-term.  Grades will come home next Tuesday.  Please keep an eye on your student’s assignments/grades on Sycamore.  I always let them know when I am missing an assignment, and help them search their desks and folders, but please aid in this process by looking at their grades online as well.  Thank you for your help! 

 *Next Tuesday, November 21st, at 11:00, the 4th graders will have their classroom THANKSGIVING FEAST in lieu of lunch. We have been studying the first Thanksgiving and all about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag. I will supply the turkey, cups, and plastic-ware. If you are able to help supply any items in the sign-up, please do so!  I have several outlets in our classroom for crock pots, if needed.  Thanks so much for your help!

 *We do not have school next Wednesday-Friday for Thanksgiving Break. 

 *We will not test over states and capitals until after Thanksgiving Break.  Your kiddo has made flash cards this week!  They will be coming home in Homework Folders.  This would be a GREAT thing to practice while traveling and/or sitting at home!  (…and READ that book report book!)  Thank you!


RELIGION- We studied the lives of Samson, Hannah, and Samuel.  We also had a heartfelt discussion about how God answers prayer.  He always hears them, and answers in His time.  His answers are Yes, No, Wait, and Something Better.  We discussed so many different scenarios that we have prayed about, and how God has answered them—not to our will but to HIS.  We also discussed the different types of prayers...supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, and confession.  We discussed how we send up prayers of supplication ALL the time, but need to remember to give God our prayers of thanksgiving and adoration too, as He has blessed us all SO much!  These lessons were a beautiful reminder of the power and wisdom of our Almighty Heavenly Father.

 MEMORY for Next Week:


Honor your father and your mother.  What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not despise or anger our parents and other authorities,  but honor them, serve and obey them, love and cherish them.

 LANGUAGE ARTS- We read the chapter book, “Molly’s Pilgrim,”  by Barbara Cohen.  This is a story about an immigrant from Russia, who learns all about the first Thanksgiving and what it means to be an American.  We had a lot of great discussions about our country, and what a blessing it is to be citizens of the United States.  We worked with compare/contrast, predicting, and timelines. 

 No SPELLING WORDS next week!

 MATH- This week, we tested over factors and multiples and began Chapter 6—all about multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000, and rounding those numbers!  We are on our 9’s in mad minutes.  Keep working hard! 

 SOCIAL STUDIES- We have learned all about the first Thanksgiving this week—All about the Pilgrims and Wampanoags, why the Pilgrims came to America, what their lives were like, and how they worshipped God and took care of their families.  We talked about the Wampanoags, their traditions, and the peace treaty with the Pilgrims.  So many facts—our noggins are full!  😊  Next week, we will learn even more and celebrate with a feast!



ART-We learned some Native American symbols, and created some beautiful Wampanoag Art with them!  Make sure you check out our pictures below!

MUSIC-We are working on our Christmas songs for the Advent Service, “Unto Us,” on December 13th. 

P.E.- This week, we learned basketball skills—passing and dribbling!

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP- We wrote about what our families do on Thanksgiving.  It was fun to hear about traditions your families have!

Have a beautiful weekend!

God's Blessings,


Wampanoag Art

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