Friday, December 1, 2023

Happy December!

 Hi, Parents!  It was SO GOOD to see your kiddos again!  I missed them!  How can today possibly be the first day of December?! 

 There are A LOT of fun things coming up!  Please see below:

 *CHRISTMAS GIFTS-As a tradition, my 4th grade class does not buy gifts for one another.  Instead, we try to purchase gifts for some children who many not be getting any other gifts this Christmas.  My students love this, and it is so fun picking out presents, and sharing God’s love with other people, as He has taught us to do!  This year, I have chosen two kiddos from our “Angel Trees” at church.  The gifts have to be ready to go by December 10th, which really does not give us much time to pick them out and order them!  If your child or you would like to contribute money, I will take the kids “shopping” on Amazon next Monday, and we will pick out some gifts together.  :)  If you are able, please send in money by Monday!  I will plan on spending about $100 total.  THANK YOU!  Our gifts will be (according to their wishes), bedding for a girl and a sleeping bag for a boy.  If you are unable, please don’t worry!  We will also be making cards for these kids, where my students will be able to share the Good News of Jesus in this way too!  Thank you for your generosity and help!

 *TLS CHRISTMAS/ADVENT SERVICE- “Unto Us” - December 13th at 6:30 pm.  Please invite your family and friends!  All are welcome!  More details will come home soon!  Students just need to wear stress clothes.  :)


We are SO excited for this!  The whole school will head to Lunar Bowl in the morning.  (Bowling is $5.00 per student and $10.00 per adult.)  We will return to school for lunch.  After lunch, we will be going caroling at local nursing homes, but these are not finalized yet.  We will get back to you!  Drivers will be needed for both events, so please mark your calendars.  Thank you!

 *POLAR EXPRESS PARTY-4th GRADE STUDENTS INVITED-DECEMBER 20th!  We will be reading books by Chris VanAllsburg, ending with “The Polar Express.”  On the 20th, the kiddos can wear their pajamas to school, (please wear or send tennis shoes too!) and we will watch the movie in the afternoon with some hot cocoa and candy canes!  Blankets and pillows are welcome for this fun day.


Here is what we have been up to this week:

 RELIGION- We discussed the lives of David, Saul, and Jonathan.  We had some mature conversations about jealousy and the sins that occur when we allow jealousy to take over our hearts.  We were all reminded of God’s forgiveness and grace in these circumstances. 

 MEMORY for next week:


You shall not steal.  What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor’s money or possessions, or get them in any dishonest way, but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income.


You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.  What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor,

 LANGUAGE ARTS- This week, we read the story of “Akiak,” and learned all about the Iditarod trail and dog sledding.  It was a very interesting story!  We shared our book reports this week, and they were GREAT!  We’ve got some creative kiddos in here!  We were also introduced to our new Author of the Month, Lynn Reid Banks, who is the author of “Indian in the Cupboard.”  This is such a fun, fantasy story, with some historical knowledge woven in there.  What a fun read!  It is neat for me to see the kiddos so intrigued with this read-aloud!

 SPELLING WORDS for next Friday, December 8th (from “Finding the Titanic”)

brush, juice, fruit, tube, lunch, crumb, few, true, truth, done, suit, pump, due, dull, tune, blew, trunk, sum, glue, threw, *perilous

 MATH-I am so proud of these kiddos, and the strides they are taking in math.  This newer curriculum is tough, but they are working hard and getting the hang of it!  This week, we are on 9’s in mad minutes, and we also learned how to multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by 1 digit.  We learned how to regroup, estimate products, and how to use this knowledge in real-world situations. 

 SOCIAL STUDIES-We took our tests over states and capitals!  Graded tests will come home today. 

 SCIENCE-We finally began our Science this week!  We talked about scientists and how they use Scientific Process to discover and things and answer questions.  Today, we worked as scientists, and tried to solve a “real-world” problem together.  Problem: Build a bridge of a certain distance, out of set amount of materials, to hold a plastic cup of 20 pennies.  I witnessed amazing teamwork, great conversation, and much success!   Next week, we will begin learning about living things.



ART- We read the fun story, “Where the Wild Things Are,” by Maurice Sendak, and then created our own WILD THINGS!  We then painted these using our new knowledge of tinting and shading colors using black and white.

MUSIC-We are working on our Christmas songs for the Advent Service on December 13th.

P.E.- This week, we learned basketball skills—how to shoot layups and free throws!

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP- We shared our book reports in Readers’ Theatre and began writing personal narratives. 

COMPUTER LAB- We learned how to use Google Docs to make menus.  :)

P.S.  Our own Catalina Campos, 5th grader, was on the news this week for a non-profit she and her parents created!    Please check it out!  We are SO PROUD!


God's Blessings,

Kim Brunkhorst

Sharing Book Reports...

"Bridge Building"

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