Friday, December 15, 2023

It is almost CHRISTmas!

Hi, Parents!  THANK YOU for all of your prayers this week!  It has been very busy this week, but we are doing our best to remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season, and we are BLESSED by all of His gifts! 

*Our TLS CHRISTMAS/ADVENT SERVICE “Unto Us” was beautiful!  A special THANK YOU to Mrs. Hatcher for all of her hard work!  I am so proud of our kiddos!  It was a beautiful example of Christ’s LOVE!

*Today, we had some very special visitors from Summit Technology Academy in Lee’s Summit.  They are seniors from an International Studies class, and they came to talk to us about Ukraine and how they celebrate Christmas.  Allie Gray, a former TLS student, was among them!  Her friend, Jadyn, is from Ukraine and taught us a lot about her country and discussed their Christmas celebrations.  60% of Ukraine is Christian.  They read to us from the book of Luke in English, and in Ukrainian.  We also created cute Christmas bundles, a decoration from her homeland.  


The whole school will head to Lunar Bowl in the morning, and will return to school for lunch.  (You may send money with your child for snacks from the snack bar, if you wish.)  After lunch, we will be going caroling at Benton House in Blue Springs. Thank you to our volunteers! 

*4TH GRADE POLAR EXPRESS PARTY-NEXT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20th!  The kiddos can wear their pajamas to school, (please wear or send tennis shoes too!) and we will read the movie and watch the movie in the afternoon with some hot cocoa and candy canes!  Blankets and pillows are welcome for this fun day.

*We will go outside for recess!  We don’t have the gym readily available all day, so in order to give these kiddos their much needed exercise and fresh air, we will go outside!  Please make sure that they have coats.  Thank you so much for your help!

 *We had a bit of an issue at our basketball games last weekend, where there were some TLS students (and other students) running around the foyer, and not listening to adults that had asked them to stop.  If you are here for any of those activities, would you help with that, please?  You have our permission to ask kiddos to be polite and respect our building.  THANK YOU!

Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- This week, we learned about David’s son, Solomon, and his temple that he built for God.  This week, we have had fun “finding our wisemen” and reading the Advent devotions that go with them.  It has been a Christmas-filled week in our classroom!  Our Christmas prayer chain is finished too!

MEMORY for next week:


You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

LANGUAGE ARTS- We began and finished the chapter book, “The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever!”  It is fun for me to hear the little gasps of surprise and the laughter when these kiddos are reading!  It is fun to see them so enthralled in a book!  We read together, independently, and with partners, and quizzed over each chapter.  We also focused on the vocabulary /spelling words from this story.  There are no SPELLING WORDS next week!

MATH- This week in math, we began 2-digit by 1-digit division, and also dividing numbers with zeroes.  We have learned how to estimate quotients, and next week, will tackle long division.  Students are realizing that memorizing multiplication facts is SUPER-important now that we are working with longer problems!  THEY CAN DO THIS! 

SCIENCE- We talked about the five different kingdoms and how living things fit into these.  Then we narrowed living things down to Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.  We discussed organisms with only one cell, and how organisms are named. 


ART- Our art period was to make your gifts and cards…so SHHH…no more details!  ;)

MUSIC-We worked on our Christmas/Advent songs!

 We celebrated this special boy this week!

Have BLESSED weekend!

Kim Brunkhorst

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