Friday, February 9, 2024

Happy 100th Day of School! :)

 Hi, Parents!  Happy Friday! 

 *Today is the 100th Day of School, and we had some fun today doing 100 Day Centers!  We did a 100-Heads/Tails Tally, made 100th Day Wishes, and completed 100 Day Dice Math and a 100 Day Multiplication Chart.  We also wrote 100 Things We Love About Timothy, 100 Ways to Show Kindness, and 100 Nouns.  We completed a 100 piece puzzle, took 100 steps down the hallway, made a 100 Name Chart, and created art work of our 100 year old selves!  What fun! 


*Next Wednesday, February 14th, is the beginning of the Lenten season which leads us through a journey to the cross and ultimately ends on Resurrection (Easter) Sunday.  The first day in Lent is referred to as Ash Wednesday in many church bodies. In chapel on February 14th students will be invited to receive ashes in the sign of the cross on their forehead. This is an ancient act where the ashes are a sign of sorrow (repentance) for our sin because we know the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) for all of us.  But the symbol of the cross that the ashes make reminds us that through Christ death and resurrection, death is not the end for believers, but we will rise again to eternal life just as Jesus did. It is a visible witness of our faith on this one day acknowledging our sin and our great Savior.  While this will be explained in chapel, we encourage you to chat with your child prior to chapel about this. Especially if you wish them NOT to be a part of it. No student will be forced or expected to receive the ashes but they will be invited to take part as they wish. The ashes can we wiped off easily with a little water and may be gone before your child even comes home, if they chose to participate. If you have any questions please contact the office. 


*Our valentine party will be here in our classroom on the afternoon of February 14th.  We will play games and pass out valentines.  If you are able to help by sending in snacks, please click the link below.  I appreciate it!


Here is our list of kiddos for names on valentines:  (Please make sure each child gets one.  Thank you.)

















*Student-Led Parent/Teacher conferences (for full-time students) are next Friday, February 16th all day, beginning at 8 am.  (We do not have school this day.)  Your child will be leading this conference, so please make sure they are able to be present!  They are excited to share their work, their personal report card, and their MAP growth with you!  If you are unable to come on the 16th, please just send me an email and we will find a time after school that week that works for you and your child.  Thank you so much! 


Here is the sign-up:


*JUNIE B.JONES:  THE MUSICAL!  Third and fourth grades are heading to The Bell Center Mid America Nazarene University, 2030 East College Way, Olathe, KS 66062, to see the play, "Junie B. Jones: The Musical!" put on by First Act Theatre Arts on Friday, February 23rd. The musical begins at 10:00, and we can arrive any time after 9:30.  We will leave school at 8:45.  The show is 2½ hours, with an intermission.  The cost is $8 a ticket.  We will need parents to attend and/or drive, please.  Adults only!  Tickets have already been purchased.  Please send in $8.00 (or $16, if you are able to come) with your child. Tickets are limited.  Please also send a lunch with your child that day. We will eat in our classroom when we get back to school! Thank you for your support!  This will be a wonderful experience for them!

*If the cost is a hardship for you, please let us know.  

 Please use the Sign-Up Genius link to give your child permission to go and/or to let us know that you are able to attend.

Here is the link to sign-up:


*The ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION/GALA  for Timothy Lutheran School is right around the corner—FEBRUARY 24th!  Please mark your calendars to attend this year! The theme:  “A Night in Disguise!”  Tickets are $50 each which includes dinner, all beverages, and entertainment. Virtual bidding tickets are available for $10 each.  Here is your link to purchase tickets:  Come join the fun!  We have finished our artwork that will be available to bid on at the auction too!


Here are some other updates about our classroom:

RELIGION:  This week, we discussed Jesus birth and the arrival of the wisemen!  We talked about how all of this fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament, about the Savior to come…  Praise God that He always keeps His promises!   



2/13-was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into hell.

The third day He rose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven

and sits at the right hand of God

the Father Almighty.

2/16-From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.


I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Christian Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen.


LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES: We began “Ramona and Her Father,” and are reading this in Literature Circles.  Each student has a daily job, where he or she leads their group.  The students did really well, and took these responsibilities seriously.  This process will help with their reading comprehension, finding text details, and being able to relate their reading to real life.  We will continue in these books next week. 


SPELLING for next Friday, February 15th:

(from Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary)

SPELLING WORDS for Friday, February 4th: pest, grownup, kindergarten, tricycle, sloppy, disappointed, cleverness, managed, alarmed, costume, *especially


MATH:  Students tested over dividing with remainders this week, and then followed up with some fun math mystery days.  This was a fun way to review.  We will begin fractions next week. 


ART: We created our own versions of our 100 year old selves! 

WRITING: We wrote “bucket lists” of things we want to do before we turn 100. 

P.E.- We spent some time outside in this beautiful weather! 

MUSIC-Students listened to and participated in worship songs. 

Yours in Christ,


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