Friday, September 23, 2011

Newsletter from the Week of September 23rd!

Hello, Parents! This week flew by for all of us! Wow! We have been busy this week learning and creating!

We lead Chapel next Wednesday, September 28th. We will be doing several skits that talk about the Belt of Truth. This is part of yearlong series about wearing the Armor of God! Please come and join us if you can!

In Religion this week we talked about Abraham, Sarah, and Lot. We talked about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the sin that was prevalent there. We talked about the sin that is in our world, and how often we are intrigued by it and drawn to it. We need to rely on God and His infinite wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. God is always beside us, leading us in the right direction!

In Math, third grade is learning how to round! This week we learned how to round to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand. This took some practice, but our light bulbs popped on this week! J We reviewed yesterday and tested over the concept today. Fourth graders are learning how estimate and how to add and subtract 4-digit numbers, and subtract across the zeroes with borrowing. This is review from last year, with harder problems. We will complete this chapter next week.

In Social Studies this week, e made Missouri books. We will be filling these in with all of the facts about Missouri that we can come up with. We received some neat materials from the capital, and have been learning so many new things. Next week, we begin science!

In Language Arts this week, we learned about subjects and predicates, and dividing sentences into these parts. We concentrated on verb usage, and found these in sentences. We also learned some new vocabulary and stories. Third grade read a story about the building of the Golden Gate Bridge, entitled My Pop’s Bridge and the fourth graders read a play called The Power of W.O.W.! This was a play about saving a library on wheels and they put it on for the 3rd graders and for me today! We have a classroom of quite a few little actors and actresses! It was great!
In Music this week we practiced rhythm! We used rhythm sticks to find the rhythm in fun music and we also practiced our song that we are going to sing in church on September 9th. We are definitely a singing class…we enjoy it so much!

In P.E. this week we reviewed body movements such as skipping, hopping, jumping, galloping, jogging, crawling, crab-walking, spinning, and other fun movements. On Tuesday, we used these skills to play Road Race and yesterday, we used these skills to play a fun version of PacMan!

Art this was an extension of last week, as we painted our monsters from Where the Wild Things Are with different values of one primary color. Once these amazing creatures are dry, we will cut these out and add them to our jungle-themed room! Pretty cool!

Please Remember: Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. This money will go toward their financial aide. Your child has been asked to pray about what he or she might want to give, and to bring these coins in on Wednesdays. Thanks!

Have a blessed weekend!
Kim Myers

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