Monday, September 12, 2011

Newsletter From the Week of September 9th!

Who's the King of the Jungle? J-E-S-U-S
Hello, Parents! We have had an amazing and fun week! I hope you enjoyed the day off with your families! We have been busy this week learning and creating…and having a great time!

In Religion this week we continued to talk about the story of Noah’s Ark. We read Bible verses that talked about God’s Blessings and gifts. We learned the word “covenant” and talked about the different kinds of covenants we make with one another. We especially are thankful for our amazing God’s covenants with us: If we believe in Him, we will be able to join him in heaven someday. He also promised that He will always be with us! What amazing covenants!

In Math this week both grades worked with comparing and ordering numbers. Third graders finished learned about 5 and 6 digit numbers and took their first math test today! They did well! The fourth graders continue to learn about larger numbers and placing them in order, and finding the value of certain digits. I have heard several comments about how 4th grade math is harder than last year! It is…but they are doing SO well!

In Social Studies we are continuing to learn about Missouri! This week we discussed the different regions of Missouri: the Glacial Plains, the Western Plains, the Ozark Highlands, and the Southeast Lowlands. Today we also discussed the climate of Missouri and the animals that are native to our region. We are learning so much! There is a lot of vocabulary for this unit, so be on the lookout of a review sheet to come home!

In Language Arts this week, we have been having some fun and learning new words! Be sure to look for reading and spelling tests to come home today! The children are doing so well! Spelling words incorporated long and short vowel l sounds, so we have spent some time reviewing those. This week the third graders read a story that introduced us to a courtroom setting. It was entitled The Trial of Cardigan Jones. It was so interesting! The fourth graders read My Brother Martin, and we had some wonderful conversations about this story! It was written by MLK’s sister, and it was a neat tribute to him! In English this week, we talked about what makes a sentence and practiced making some on our own. In Writers’ Workshop, the children had fun taking story parts and combining them to make silly stories! You will have to ask them about their creations! Many asked me for the website to this fun “game” we played so they could write more stories at home. How could I resist?! It’s Very cool! There have been some questions about the book log, so I will try to answer them and keep you up to speed! Please record any books that your child reads at home, from school, the library, or the local library, on his or her book log. If it has a Scholastic quiz that goes with it, your child can take that quiz here at school or at home. You just need to record that on the sheet so I am aware. I am asking that your child read 5 books a quarter on his or her reading level. If you are uncertain what the level is or if the book has a quiz, you can have her bring it in, or you can check this website. :
Thank you!

In Music this week we had a lot of fun! Every Tuesday, we join the 3rd/4th graders for choir. On Thursdays we meet as a class with Mrs. Mundt. During this time, we will learn music concepts, about the church year, and experiment with different instruments. We will also learn new songs and enjoy fun Bible action songs. This week we sang “Your Love Makes Me Sing,” “Yes, Lord!’” How Great Is Our God,” “My God is So Great,” The Butterfly Song,” “J is for Jesus,” and “You Put This Love in My Heart.” Fun!

In P.E. we are continuing to learn about volleyball skills. This week we talked about tipping, dinking, and passing the ball. We played several scrimmage games and learned how to have good sportsmanship and communication skills.

Art this week was fun! We created Animal Designs where we learned how to make an entire composition using only lines…curvy, thick, thin, straight, short, long, etc. The patterns are so beautiful! Be on the lookout for these in the hallway!

Next Week we will remember 9/11 and briefly talk about the history associated with that day in history. I have some neat stories and Bible verses to share regarding it.

Please remember that we still need volunteers to help clean tables at the Fall Fun Fest. Your help appreciated. Our school receives payment for this service. Thank you!

Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. This money will go toward their financial aide. Your child has been asked to pray about what he or she might want to give, and to bring these coins in on Wednesdays. Thanks!

Have a blessed weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers

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