Hello, Parents! It was such a pleasure meeting with each of you at conferences last week. Thank you for your kind words and open minds. I am so thankful for each of you…and blessed!
We had a fabulous week! Today we talked about Veteran’s Day, and earlier this week the kids were able to write to veterans that they know. Thank you to all the dads and special people who joined us for Donuts With Dad on Wednesday morning. We had a great time sharing our descriptive writing and working on our veteran letters…and enjoying donuts too! We have been busy this week, so please look below for details!
In Religion we studied Moses and his birth. We have contrasted and compared his life to the life of Jesus Christ in that they both had rulers that wanted to kill them, they both had people in their lives that loved them and wanted to protect them, and they both freed their people from something. The comparisons stopped there, though. The children were quick to point out that Moses was indeed a sinner, and he received all of his help form the Lord. Jesus is Lord! He fought over death and the power of the devil for us, because of His great love for us!
In Math, this week we had some struggles. As I shared at conferences, third graders continued their chapter on borrowing and regrouping. This has been difficult for most of them. They are still struggling. Most of their errors are not in the process of regrouping, but with their math facts. I have told the kids that I expect them to study their math facts at home, so they can do well at school. The intensity and difficulty of math problems is only going to increase and they need to know these. We work on this as much as possible in school: quizzing one another, taking mad minutes, and working with one another in free time. Most of this is just rote memorization, however, that needs to be done with flash cards, computer games, or just saying them out loud.
Fourth graders continued to work on telling time and working with variables as well. They tested over both of these skills this week and have improved their test scores.
Both grade levels struggle with their math facts, so I am going to begin making the kids more accountable for this. As part of their math grade, each child will need to practice flash cards, play a math fact computer game, or just go over facts with mom and dad for 25 minutes a week. This is five minutes a night. I am sending a chart home today. It will count as a test grade in the grade book each week. This is an easy “A” and their facts will improve too!
As an incentive, I have also told the kids that pass their math facts this year…which will be addition, subtractions, multiplication, and division facts, through tens…that they can join me in an after-school trip to Winstead’s to enjoy ice cream sodas/sundaes. This will be a privilege earned. We just have to get these down as we approach the later math years! I want their struggles to stop! Thank you so much for your help and in this matter. Please let me know if you have questions.
In Language Arts we talked about antonyms and practiced these all week. Both groups of readers also read biographies. Third grade read about young Thomas Edison and fourth graders read about Jose Limon. These were so interesting! They helped get the children very interested in biographies!
As I mentioned earlier, this week we have begun writing descriptions. Each child must use their sense to write a description about a person, pet, or event in their lives. We are in the drafting stages of these, but they are turning out quite well! These are due November 30th.
Information for your child’s book reports came home last week, as well as the historical fiction (3rd grade) and the fantasy (4th grade) book he or she has begun to read. Please remind your child to read at home. Thanks! Third graders have until the end of the quarter and fourth graders have until the end of the month! Work hard!
In Music this week we again concentrated on the songs that we will be sharing at the Advent services in December! We sound so beautiful! Our class will have a big part in the service, so please mark your calendar. The service is December 14th at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. We will be singing and be acting out the parts to the Bible reading.
In P.E. this week we continued with basketball sills! We learned how to shoot layups and free throws. We completed several drills with these skills. By the time we are finished with this unit, we should be good little basketball players!
In Art this week, we studied the art of Mary Engelbreit. We had some quiet, reflective time to think about our happiest moment ever, and then we illustrated pictures about them! We then continued to watercolor them and add details with marking pens. They are fabulous! Be on the lookout for these in our fantastic hallway of art!
Please Remember: Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. Our goal this month is to raise $500.00 as a whole school, and we will be able to participate in a fun Candyland adventure. We are already at the Thank you for your help!
Dates to Remember:
*November 14-3rd grade health screenings 9:00
*November 21-“Seeing Miracles in Disaster” with Jeremy Schamber at 7:00 in the gym
*November 22-Chapel with Mr. Schamber at 8:45/3rd and 4th Thanksgiving Feast 11:00
*November 23-23-No School—Thanksgiving Break
*December 2nd-Field trip to Theatre of Young America 9:00-12:00
*December 2nd-baskebtall games at Trinity, Atchison 6:00 and 7:00.
Have a blessed weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers
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