It is so great to be back at school! I have missed the children so very much! I hope all of you had a relaxing Christmas break, and were able to enjoy some time with your families… God has blessed us all so much! The highlight from our week has definitely been our new student, who is not so new to all of us! Ian Gannan has joined our third grade class, and we are so happy to have him here! He is such a wonderful addition to our class! Welcome, Ian!
In Math this week, both grades finished up units that we began before break, and tested over them today. The third graders reviewed telling time, and using calendars and schedules. The fourth graders reviewed mean, median, and mode, and practiced using different types of graphing skills.
In Language Arts this week we reviewed how to edit sentences and practiced this a lot in our writing! We both had interesting reading stories this week. The third graders read a story entitled Aero and Officer Mike. This was a story about a police officer and his dog, and all that it takes to train him and make him a special dog that rescues people! It was really exciting! The fourth graders read a story entitled The Life and Times of the Ant, and this was also very informative. We learned more about ants and the way they live, than we have ever known before! As an assignment each week, your child is to come home and read their selection out loud. They can just read a part of the story out loud and the rest silently, if this is more their style. I have told them that they can read to you, their siblings, their pets, or their mirror, but they need to read out loud for practice. This will help them with the words, and also with their comprehension, and reviewing the story. We have a test over each selection on Fridays. Please encourage your child to do this each week!
Book reports are due soon! Both groups are reading historical fiction books. Third graders’ are due at the end of the quarter, which is next Friday, January 13th, and fourth graders’ are due at the end of January, January 31st.
We have also been doing a lot of journal writing this week! In one of the entries, your child was asked to write about New Years’ resolutions. These were great! Make sure you ask your child what he or she wrote, or ask to see their journals! What sweet, thoughtful kids we have!
In Religion this week, we have been talking about the story of Ruth and Naomi, and the great love, and friendship they had for one another. I love this story! It is such a good reminder of how much God loves us, and in turn, how much we should love and lift up one another!
In P.E. this week we played a game called Bowling Dodge ball, with a bunch of pins and a bunch of balls! The children really enjoyed it. We also spent some time outside, just enjoying this fabulous January weather! It is crazy, but we had fun!
We have finally returned to our Science books! We have begun the unit about animals, and next week will learn about plants. Your child will be bringing some vocabulary cards home to study. These will be words they will need to know for their test in a few weeks. I will keep you updated as we progress through the chapter.
Thank you so much for helping out with the Bake Sale that will take place tonight at our home basketball games! The kids have been excited to help earn money for Earthworks, and it is neat to see them take so much ownership in this task.
Please Remember: Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. Our goal this month is to see who can raise more: the girls or the boys! What fun!
Have a great weekend!
God's Blessings,
Kim Myers
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