Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Newsletter from May 15th

Hello, Parents! I thought I would give you an update below on some things happening this week.

As many of you know, the Joplin project this month was to raise $250.00 as a school, and the class that raised the most money gets lunch from Mickey D’s! Thanks to you and your child’s generosity toward our friends in Joplin, MO, our class won this month’s challenge! Yeah! So, when we go to Railroad Park tomorrow afternoon, you do not need to pack a sack lunch for your child, as it will already be provided. If you choose to send a soda (we are receiving Happy Meals with milk), or a dessert, you may of course do that. Thank you again for your generosity this year. As a school, we have raised almost $6,000.00. It is amazing, and we are so, so blessed!

Also, as a reminder, I wanted to let you know that the children will be having their Famous Missourian History Museum tomorrow from 10:15-11:15, before we leave for the park. We have practiced at school and we are ready! I just wanted to send a reminder to you too, that they may need to bring small props (or clothes to change into) from home if this is something that they are choosing to do.

If your child has earned his or her trip to Winstead’s and you have not returned the permission slip, please do so! We will leave school tomorrow at 3:40 an return sometime around 4:30. I have two drivers, plus myself, heading out there, and just one parent coming back to school with me. If you are able to help, please let me know! Thank you!

Book reports are also due this week. Several students have asked me if they can have another day, and they can… Thursday is the latest, though, as we need time to share them, and for them to get graded before grade cards come home on Friday!

If your child has a summer birthday and you would like to send in treats the next couple of days, you may… We celebrated Tori’s today!

Friday is our last day and we dismiss at 1:00. Wow!

This has been an amazing year, and I feel so blessed to have been part of your life and your child’s life. Today we all had so much fun. We are finishing up our TimOlympics, and we had so many laughs! We were just giggling at each other’s silly comments, funny songs, or goofy antics, and as it always does, it struck me how this time of year is so very, very bittersweet. I have grown so attached to each of these students, and I know that they feel the same way about each other. We are like a family! With the fourth graders, we have been together for two years, and with this group especially, because of Emma and her classmates, we have all shared a special bond as co-parents, as well. I will miss all of you and these kiddos SO much! I thank God daily, that my work is here, amongst such a loving, supportive environment with children that I consider my own, and parents that I consider friends. Thank you! Have an amazing, blessed summer!



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