Friday, November 16, 2012

Newsletter from 11-16-2012

Dear Parents,

Hello! Happy early Thanksgiving! This week we learned so much about the first Thanksgiving and all that there is to be thankful for…We had amazing conversations in our classroom that centered around loving one another, forgiving one another, and being thankful for the many gifts that we often do not usually even think of.

Thank you again for meeting with me at conferences a few weeks back. It was wonderful to be able to sit down with you and discuss your child and his or her progress. Thank you also to those of you that I have met with me or emailed me in these last few weeks. Please always know that you can email me or stop by the room to visit with me any time and share your concerns or questions, good or bad, with me. I believe that we have to be this strong partnership to ensure that your child is getting the education and love and Christian guidance that he or she deserves. We are this amazing team and I appreciate it so, so much!

Today in devotions, I shared this Bible verse from Ephesians with the children:

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32

The devotion compared us, as sinners, to cars, needing an oil change. It was such a neat analogy, that I just ahd to share with you! When our hearts become full of anger and bitterness, it is super-hard for us to be kind and forgive one another. The only way to get rid of that anger is to ask God to help you! This lead to an awesome discussion, and the kids just jumped on board! Their faith is amazing and their love for one another astounds me sometimes. They talked about how they were going to try harder to help one another and love like Christ loved. They reminded me how a car needs to have an oil-change every few months, too...and aren’t we like that as well? Don’t we just need these little reminders to rely on God to help us out? I just had to share their tidbits from 3rd/4th grade. Your kids are amazing! Which leads me into telling you how thankful I am for each of them and for you…

Please check out our next Mission Project Challenge, “Holiday Hang Out” in the hallway. For the months of November and December, students will be working with their homeroom class to raise money. For each $5 collected, we will hang an ornament on the Christmas tree display in the hallway. Each homeroom reaching their goal will be invited to participate in the Holiday Hang Out, the ultimate school Christmas party!

Here is what we did this week:

In Religion, we learned about different types of prayer, and practiced these: Requests prayers, Thanksgiving prayers, Praise prayers, and Admitting prayers. These were such good reminders for all of us!

In Language Arts and Social Studies this week, we read two stories: “On the Mayflower,” and “Across the Wide Dark Sea.” We read these as a class, and learned so much from them. Please ask your child all the new facts he or she learned about Pilgrims and the Wampanoags this week! 

In Math this week, both classes learned about mean, median, and mode. We learned how to read pictographs and how to make graphs of our own.

During Art, we made Native American drawings that look like they are on real leather. These are hanging in the hallway. Please come and check them out.

In P.E. this week, we continued learning basketball skills. We learned how to shoot free throws and layups.

For Writers’ Workshop, we focused on writing facts and opinions with partners. We finished up our poetry from last week.

Have a fantastic weekend and a blessed Thanksgiving!

Yours in Christ,

Kim Myers

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