Friday, November 9, 2012

Newsletter from 11-9-12

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all of your continued prayers and love for Emma! The surgery went so very well, and the surgeons are certain they have fixed her heart this time! She experienced her tachacardia (rapid heartbeats) on the table, so the doctor was able to pinpoint the exact spot that needed to be fixed. I know that our all-knowing Father, made that happen for us… Thank you for understanding why I was gone, and for working so well with Mrs. Barnett. She is a God-send to me! It is good to be back!

Please remember that the Thanksgiving Feast will be next Friday, November 16th. All next week, we will be studying the first Thanksgiving, and all about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians. We will also be talking about all the things we, as Christian Americans, should be thankful for! What a wonderful way to praise our Father for all He has given! I will supply the turkeys. If you and your child are able to help with any of the following, please let me know. I will have a sign-up sheet on our door to keep track. Some ideas are: potatoes, rolls, salads, vegetables, stuffing, desserts, drinks… You may send your dishes in crock pots, or dishes that need to be refrigerated. I will keep them heated in my classroom, or cold in the refrigerator in the conference room. We will dress up in character, and have a wonderful time! Thank you! The kiddos and I love, love, love this day!

Our October Mission Project Challenge, “Fighting the 45”, has come to an end. Most Chapel Families enjoyed an amazing dessert buffet after lunch on Wednesday. We raised over $450 for Lutheran Malaria Initiative in October! Students were introduced to the next Mission Project Challenge, “Holiday Hang Out”. For the months of November and December, students will be working with their homeroom class to raise money. The goal for 1st and 2nd grade is to collect $100. For each $5 collected, we will hang an ornament on the Christmas tree display in the hallway. Each homeroom reaching their goal will be invited to participate in the Holiday Hang Out, the ultimate school Christmas party!

Here is what we did this week:

In Religion, we learned about Elijah and the power of God. We also talked about how we, as man, were made in God’s image.

In Language Arts this week, the third and fourth graders read Jump!, and The Screech Owl Who Liked Television, respectively. They both enjoyed their stories! Third grade’s story was about Michael Jordan, and it surprised me (and aged me!) to know that there were some students who did not know who he was! There was one student that said, “Wait! Was he the singer?” No, that was Michael Jackson! Boy, did I feel old! We had a good laugh about that! Students also worked on nouns in the subject, and finding and spelling singular and plural nouns.

In Math this week, we finished up our money and time units with reviews and test! They did so well! We began learning about how to use tally marks and charts to keep track of and use information. Next week, we will be working with graphs, pictographs, mean, median, and mode.

In Science this week, we finished up our chapter about plants and tested over the material today! Most of the students seemed so very confident and they will get their tests back next week! Next week, we will have Social Studies and will begin our week-long study about the Pilgrims, Wampanoag Indians, and the first Thanksgiving.

During Art, we discussed still life, and drew pictures of our teddy bears. They turned out so well!

In P.E. this week, we continued learning basketball skills. We learned how to correctly hold the ball to shoot, learned how to shoot a free throw, and continued our passing and dribbling skills. Next week, we will continue on these skills, and add layups to the mix!

For Writers’ Workshop, we focused on writing facts and opinions with partners. We finished up our poetry from last week.

Because our school was an election site on Tuesday, we had choir in our classroom. The kiddos were excited to have a “student choice” song day! Boy, did we have fun in here! We need to do that more often! During Music on Thursday, students played their recorders and practiced the skills they have learned thus far this year. Many of them are doing well earning their “belts.” Please urge them to keep practicing at home.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Yours in Christ,

Kim Myers

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