Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Update on Some Upcoming Events... :)

Hello, Parents! This is just a note to give you a quick update about some upcoming events…

First of all, please remember that Donuts with Dad is tomorrow morning from 7:45-8:15. Please come and enjoy donuts, coffee, milk, or juice, and a fun activity with your child. This will take place in the gym. You may also stay for Chapel at 8:45. Thank you!

Secondly, for Art on Thursday, please have your child bring a favorite stuffed bear from home. We will be sketching them for our art activity.

Thirdly, on Friday, November 16th, the students and I will have our classroom Thanksgiving Feast in lieu of lunch. All week, we will be studying the first Thanksgiving, and all about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians. We will also be talking about all the things we, as Christian Americans, should be thankful for! What a wonderful way to praise our Father for all He has given! I will supply the turkeys. If you and your child are able to help with any of the following, please let me know. I will have a sign-up sheet on our door to keep track. Some ideas are: potatoes, rolls, salads, vegetables, stuffing, desserts, drinks… You may send your dishes in crock pots, or dishes that need to be refrigerated. I will keep them heated in my classroom, or cold in the refrigerator in the conference room. Thank you! The kiddos love this day! 

Lastly, many of you have asked me about my daughter, Emma, and I so, so appreciate your prayers and love. We visited the cardiologist yesterday, and it was decided that she needs to have another surgery in order to try fix her heart. This surgery will be Wednesday (tomorrow) morning. I will be gone both tomorrow and Thursday, and Mrs. Barnett, (our most favorite, awesome teacher) will be your child’s substitute. Thank you, again, for your love and support. I will keep you updated with news.

God’s Blessings,


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