Friday, December 7, 2012

Newsletter from 12/7/12

 Dear Parents,

We have had a fun week! The highlight of our week was definitely the participation in our Advent services at church! Our kiddos did such a fantastic job, and I am so proud of them! Thank you so much for your extra time and efforts as well, as I know it was a long night for everyone involved. It was wonderful to hear from Pastor Rich how congregational members were moved by our service as well. It is my prayer that our words of Jesus’ love may just reach one unbelieving heart. These kids are amazing as they share their faith with one another. It is such a joy to be around that every day! They constantly floor me with their observations and with their thoughts about how to share their faith with others. God gives me these amazing little nudges everyday through them… Your children are such blessings to me!

I forgot to take any pictures of our Advent service and I am kicking myself! If you snapped any photos (or of our first field trip too), would you pass them my way? I would love to share those on our website! Thank you!

Please check out our next Mission Project Challenge, “Holiday Hang Out” in the hallway. For December, students will be working with their homeroom class to raise money. For each $5 collected, we will hang an ornament on the Christmas tree display in the hallway. Each homeroom reaching their goal will be invited to participate in the Holiday Hang Out, the ultimate school Christmas party!

CLASS CHRISTMAS GIFTS: In lieu of buying Christmas gifts for one another in our classroom, our class has chosen to help a family in need. We are adopting a church family that needs help paying utilities this month. I have talked to your children about this and they are so excited in helping out and sharing God’s love in this way! Many of the children have expressed their want to contribute from their own allowances. This really moved me that they are so willing to witness and love their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! If you are able to contribute in anyway, please send money in a marked envelope by next Friday, December 14th. I will then send that money on to help that family! Thank you so much!

All students are invited to participate in Timothy’s 4:00pm Christmas Eve Service. If your child is interested in participating (singing, speaking parts, costume parts), please contact Aimee Gorrow. She is the Children’s Choir Director and will provide you with the details.

Here is what we did this week:

In Religion this week we have been talking about Advent and how Jesus was true man, living a humble life among us. We also discussed ways that He was like us, yet how He was our substitute. We did not have to face the devil or eternal death because of Him! We learned the words: incarnation and annunciation.

In Language Arts this week, third graders read a story called “Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend.” They loved this story and I always enjoy hearing, ”Ms. Myers, this story was awesome!” Yeah! I agree! Fourth graders read “Antarctic Journal,” which was an actual account from the author, who spent time in Antarctica watching the penguins and the whales. They really enjoyed this!

We have been busy learning cursive letters too, as you have seen! Please encourage your child to practice these at home. Thank you!

We practiced working with contractions this week and the special spellings for them. We also had fun writing cinquain poems this week about Jesus! Check out the hallway!

In Math this week, third graders worked with probability! We did a lot of fun activities! Fourth graders worked with making double bar graphs, and circle graphs. We will begin reviewing multiplication right before Christmas.

During Art, we finished our self-portraits. We will add the final touches next week. They are beautiful!

In P.E. this week, we continued learning basketball skills and played “Man from Mars,” which is a fun tag game…ask your child to fill you in!

In Music this week, we practiced for our Advent service and also worked hard on our recorders! Students have been divided into Recorder Karate groups and are working to learn new notes, songs and rhythms. They should practice twice a week at home. Every student has earned at least one ‘belt’!

For Writers’ Workshop, we worked on our fairytales. They are coming along beautifully! These are due December 22nd. We will focus on these more next week.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Yours in Christ,

Kim Myers

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