Friday, November 8, 2013

Newsletter 11-8-13


    Third and Fourth Grade News
November 8, 2013

Hello!  It has been another busy week in our classroom!  As the kiddos have probably shared with you, we have been very focused on finishing our Earthworks unit before our visit next Tuesday!  So, this week, we have integrated math, reading, spelling, and science into one great unit!  It has been fun! It was very nice to see so many of you at our Donuts with Dad/Special Person this past Wednesday!  I took some great photos that I will upload soon! 

Religion- This week, we talked about life after the first Passover, and how God led His people through the wilderness.

3rd/4th grades deliver the Chapel message on Wednesday!  We will be talking about the 8th commandment. Please come and join us if you can!  Chapel is from 8:45-9:15.

National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child is approaching soon – November 18-25!  We have some classmates who are really having some fun with this and sharing the love of Jesus!  Thank you SO MUCH for showing kids around the world a little extra love…

Spelling- This week, our spelling words were all Earthworks vocabulary!  They were tough, but we learned so much! 

Science- We learned a lot with Earthworks this week!  We learned about the hydrosphere, the water cycle, and how water evaporates.  We made mini-recyclers and recycled the water out of orange-water, plain water, salt water, dirt water, and soda.  We checked the pH balance of each too.  We learned so much!  We also studied the atmosphere and learned that it is slowly disappearing because of our actions.  We formed groups and made pretend PSA announcements telling the public why we need to preserve our air.  We studied the lithosphere, and examined dirt.  Thanks for your samples from home!  We found all kinds of interesting things in these samples and documented them all.  We also shook our dirt samples with water, let them settle, and then saw the different layers of dirt that we have in our habitats.  We talked about how dirt makes our food and are making poster depicting this process.  Ask your child about how “Dirt Makes My Lunch!”  Today we learned about the biosphere and about why and how some habitats get overcrowded.  We were coyotes today trying to survive and feed our families!  Many of us forgot to get water and died!!!  Next Monday, we will study our animal that we will be focusing on at Earthworks on Tuesday.  For Tuesday’s trip, Earthworks asks that each child bring an Ecological Lunch.   In essence, they want your child to try to bring lunches that the waste can be composted, recycled, or used again.  They will have containers for glass, plastic, compost, aluminum, etc.  They then will weigh our trash and then see how we compared with the school that attended the day before us.  It is pretty fun!  …and the kids are SO excited to go! I love all the learning that has been going on! 

Social Studies- We will begin our special Thanksgiving unit next week, where we learn about the first Thanksgiving, and the lives of the Pilgrims and Native Americans.  We will have a Thanksgiving Feast on November 26th.  I will be sending a sign-up genius home soon asking for food.  Thank you in advance for your help! 

3rd/4th Grade Home-school Students will not have school on Tuesday, as we will be gone on our field trip.  I do apologize for this, as I know it may put you in a bind.  This was the only day that Earthworks could fill us in when I registered early in the school year.  Thank you for understanding!  We will miss you and see you on Thursday! 

P.E. - This week, we began our basketball unit.  We learned the chest pass, the bounce pass, the overhead pass, and learned how to correctly dribble. 

Music- This week, we began learning the songs for the Christmas Pageant on December 15th.

Writers’ Workshop- This week, we had a fun writing project!  We each received a picture of a child.  (Kiddos we did not know.) Then we had to make up things about this child…his or her name, city and state, type of home, family dynamics, hobbies, favorite subject, fears, things in their bedrooms (that was fun!) , etc… Afterwards, students were paired with a classmate, and their child met the other one’s child!  Next week, they will begin planning an adventure together and write a story using both of these characters.  We had so much fun and are looking forward to next week! 

Art- We made warm and cool 3D hand line drawings.  We will finish these up next week. 

Upcoming Events:
November 12th-Earthworks field trip (No home school 3rd/4th graders that day)
November 13th-3rd/4th grades lead chapel
November 25th-Thanksgiving Feast...more details to come...
November 26th- mid-quarter grades come home with full-time students
November 27th-29th-Thanksgiving Break...No School
December 13th-School of Economics

Have a great weekend!  Please enjoy time with your families… J    


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