Friday, January 31, 2014

Newsletter 1-31-14

Third and Fourth Grade News
From the Week of January 31, 2014

Dear Parents,
            Happy National Lutheran Schools Week!   I have to say, that it is such an honor to work in a Lutheran School, and even more of an honor to work in this Lutheran school with these amazing children, awesome staff of friends, and supportive parents like you.   You are awesome. 
On Monday, we dressed as our favorite book characters!  We also read with our Chapel families in the gym.  This day was so much fun!  We had Thing 1 and Thing 2, Bad Kitty, a couple of Pippi Longstockings, Where’s Waldo, an Alien, Fern from “Charlotte’s Web,”, Tom Sawyer, Ramona, Beezus, Picky-Picky, and a ninja… J  We also read our classroom stories, “The Extra-Good Sunday,”  (with Ramona and Beezus), and “The Life and Times of the Ant.”  Great stories!  We had a visitor from Lutheran High on Monday too.  Matthew Eaton, a junior who is interested in going into education, came and observed all day.  The kids loved him, and he seems to be a natural!  We had a lot of fun! 
On Tuesday, we celebrated Spirit Day!  There were so many kiddos running around in red, white, and blue (and crazy hair!)!  I took some neat pictures and will post them this weekend!   We also played “Body-Part Tag” in PE, and practiced our song for NLSW in music.  We continued on our partner stories during Writers’ Workshop.  Third grade also began multiplication!  I loved hearing things like, “Wow!  This is easy!”…and ,“We LOVE this!”  I hope they brought this excitement home!  
Wednesday was “Dress Like Your Chapel Family” day!  In here, we had some crazy hair, cowboys and cowgirls, superheroes, stripes, famous people (President Reagan scared me silly with her mask!!!!), nerds, and neon colors… In Social Studies we learned a lot about the Native Americans that lived in Missouri.  We will be finishing this chapter next week and will test over it on Friday.  A study guide will be coming home. 
            Thursday was crazy day, and we had a lot of strange hair-dos, dress, and colors.  We all looked smashing… J We even got to have Mrs. Vogt for a fun penguin lesson and art project, when teachers switched classrooms for an hour!  I spend my time in Kindergarten and had a blast!  
Today was Grandparents Day!!!!!  Thank you for sharing your parents with us!  J  .  I am feeling a bit emotional right now…feeling the family-type atmosphere here in this building and amongst all of these wonderful people.  Thank you for allowing me to teach your child every day.  I spend my days in the best way ever!  The Talent Show was awesome too!  The kiddos were great! 
Please remember that the children sing here at the north site at 9:30 on Sunday.  Please dress in Rams gear and meet here at 9:00.  Thanks! 
Fourth grade book reports are due on Monday!  We will also be celebrating the 101st Day of School on Monday!  The 100th Day of School is actually TODAY, so we are going to celebrate on Monday instead….Your child does not need to bring anything to school, but just know that this will be a day of 101 Day Centers, and lots of fun!  If you are so inclined to send in a treat, please feel free to do so!  J 

Parent Teacher conferences are coming up.  I will be sending out a sign-up this weekend.  I look forward to meeting with you February 13 & 14.  Your child will lead the conference.  We will have 1:00 dismissal both days. 
            Achievement tests are coming up!  These will be February 24th-28th.  The testing will be in the mornings from 8:30-12:00 every day. 
Our class will have a Valentine's Day Party on Friday, February 14th.  We will have it in the morning.  I will have some fun valentine centers, and math centers for the students.  Each child should bring a Valentine for each member of the class.  Thank you!  Also, if you have an empty tissue box at home, please send one to school.  I have been collecting them at school too, so we should be okay, even if you do not have one! 


            31-Boys Games at Messiah

1-Tournament games at Messiah
2-Kids sing at 9:30 service at the South Site
Mornings with Mom/Special Person
13-P/T conferences-1:00 dismissal
14- P/T conferences-1:00 dismissal, Valentine’s party
17-President’s Day-no school
24-28-Achievement tests

Have a great weekend!

Yours in Christ,

Kim Brunkhorst J

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