Hello, Parents! We have had a great week of school! It is hard for me to believe that today is the last day of third quarter. Your child has been working so hard and doing so very well. I am proud of his or her progress, and dedication to getting work in and learning as much as possible. Of the graded work that comes home today, if your child is choosing to correct it, it needs to be turned in by Monday, as we will be getting report cards home on Wednesday of next week. Thank you SO much!
THANK YOU for your amazing support for the American Heart Association! With your help, the children at Timothy raised $2,149.50 to help fund research that will help fight heart disease and help children with sick hearts! We had so much fun at our jump rope event here at school too! As a whole school, we jumped for an hour… Wow!
I am sending in the requests for gifts tomorrow and it take 2-3 weeks for delivery. They will be here soon!
We have had a few issues in the classroom that I would like to address:
First, there have been a lot of colds and coughs in our room, and the children have started bringing in cough drops. Please send in a note with these if your child truly needs them. There have been some that have asked to take a cough drop when he or she is not coughing, and on occasion they are being treated like candy. :)
Also, we have these amazing bracelets that are being made! They are beautiful, and I love that the children are being so creative with their spare time…. However, some of the kids are wearing 20 or more to school, and then they are playing with them all day. I have had to take some away, with the warning that if this continues, I will have to limit the number that can be worn! That time is here! Please make sure that your child only wears 3 or less bracelets to school. The others will be put in a baggy and sent back home. Thank you for your help and understanding on this manner!
Some Important things are coming up soon!
We have an upcoming all-school field trip to Harvesters on Tuesday, March 25th. We have been busy collecting canned goods here at school for the last few months, and now are ready to go and help! We need a lot of helpers! If you, or a grandparent or an aunt or uncle, are able to help out in anyway, please let us know. The link to sign-up is below! Thank you!
We also are hosting the Lenten Dinner on March 26th. If you are able to help that evening or contribute baked goods, please sign-up! Thank you!
Enrollment is still underway! It's exciting to see our numbers increase. If you haven't gotten your paperwork in, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible!
All oldest siblings came home with an informational flyer and order form for Trivia Night tickets.. Trivia Night is our biggest fundraising event of the year and we hope you will all join us! It is always so much fun! Our class will be working on our class art project next week. It will be up for auction! Tickets will be available in the school office, following all church worship services beginning March 22 or by sending the order form back to school. Please pay careful attention to the information at the bottom of the order form—advance ticket prices are good only through Friday, April 7 in the school office. We are looking forward to a successful and fun event! We hope to see all of you there!
We have dove head first into our Science curriculum! The students are loving our conversations about the world--plants and animals alike! This week, we studied come-bearing and flower-bearing plants and we examined mushrooms and spores. We will be able to complete the chapter up next week and test over it the following week. Each child has his or her own study guide and will come home with it. All of the information located in the back of the study guide will be on the test!
In Religion this week, we studied Elijah and the prophets of Baal. We discussed how Elijah was not scared to say that He loved and trusted in God. We talked about always trying to stand up for what we believe in, even when it is tough, or when the world seems to be against us. Our Religion book brought up some issues that some of the children were not aware of, like abortion, and under-age drinking, so I wanted you to be aware that we had a meaningful conversation about those things. I did tell the children that if they had any more questions that they should come to you for guidance.
During Language Arts this week, we learned the cursive letters of r, s, f, j, h, and k. These are beautiful! Third graders read the story “Dogzilla,” and we really concentrated on the author’s clever “play on words” throughout the story. Fourth graders read “Moonrunner.” Many of the children related well to this story of talent and friendship.
Math this week was fun! Third graders finished up the beginning multiplication unit and will test on Monday! Division begins next week! Keep practicing those facts! Fourth grade began multiplying by two and three-digit numbers this week and will continue practicing this next week, as well as learning how to multiply with money. They will begin long division the following week.
Special Classes:
Art-We studied sports scenes and are in the beginning stages of drawing and painting our own. We are focusing on drawing depth and mixing colors for skin tones.
Writing/Computer- We are still finishing up the publishing step of our partner stories and we are in the drafting stage of our “Mom” stories. If your child has not interviewed you yet, please prod them to do so!
P.E.- We played Capture the Flag this week! Fun! :)
Music- We continue to practice our parts and songs for the upcoming musical on April 2th. We sound SO good!
Spanish-The children finished up Chapter 5. The are recognizing numbers 51-60 and can identify parts of a house and the rooms in the house.
Upcoming Events:
17-St. Patrick’s Day
25-1st-8th grades go to Harvesters
26-PTL serves the Lenten dinner
31-4th grade book report due
Yours in Christ,
Kim Brunkhorst
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