Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Track is Here!

Dear Parents of 4th-8th grade boys and girls,
          We will be having our first track practice after school on Tuesday, April 10th, from 3:45-5:00.  All 4th-8th grade boys and girls are invited!  Our meets include all short distance runs (50m-200m), long distance runs (800m-1,600m), softball throw for 5th/6th grades, shot put and discus for older grades, long jumps, triple jumps, and other activities.  Practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday after school until May 15th.  We will always begin practice in the gym to stretch and warm-up, and then we will be heading outdoors (weather permitting) to practice around our building.  Please make sure your child always has tennis shoes and clothing for all types of weather.  We will have 3 track meets, one cross-country meet, and track pictures this year. Track meets are all day on a Saturday.  Cross-country meets are held in the afternoon/evening during the week.  The dates are below:

April 10th--This is our first practice and track pictures!  We will hand out uniforms at school the day before.  Please have your child bring shorts and tennis shoes for them.  Track pictures after school at 3:45.  Practice will follow, so please bring warmer clothes if needed…
April 17th-No practice: Maunday Thursday, 1:00 dismissal
May 3rd-Trinty Alma Meet, at Santa Fe High School in Alma, MO
May 8th-Bethany cross-country meet at Bethany Lutheran in Stillwell, KS
May 10th-Lutheran High Meet, at Center High School, in Kansas City, MO
May 15th-last track practice
May 16th-Athletic Banquet
May 17th-Hope Lutheran Meet, at Bishop Miege High School, in Roeland Park, KS

If your child is interested in joining, please email me at kimb@timothylutheran.com.  We will need to plan accordingly.  Thank you!  We are looking forward to a fun season (and for Spring!!!) 

                   Yours in Christ,

                             ~Your Track Coaches:  Mrs. Brunkhorst, Mrs. Mundt, and Mr. Mundt

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