Friday, April 1, 2022

It's been a CRAZY, TEST-FILLED week! :)

Hi, 4th Grade parents!  It has been a crazy, test-filled week, but I am SO proud of how hard these 4th graders worked, and just went with a new “flow of things!”  (We had some fun, funny little treats!)

  • On Saturday, April 2, Timothy Lutheran Church is hosting a CRAFT & VENDOR FAIR here at Wyatt Road in the gym. Come get some shopping done, enter a raffle for a giveaway, and have some snacks while you are here. Proceeds from the raffle and snacks will go to the Sr. High Youth participating in the National Youth Gathering in Houston this summer. The fair is from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.
  • WE SING THIS SUNDAY!  3rd – 8th grade sings at the 10:00 A.M church service, Wyatt location, this Sunday, April 3rd.  Students can simply wear church clothes or their Timmy gear. Students can sit with their families and come forward to sing.  I will see you there!  

     We are headed to the SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS on Monday!  A special “thank you” to our parents who have volunteered for the whole day, and to the parents that are driving us there!  We appreciate you!   Please send in $5.00 for this field trip.  Your child does not need a lunch, as he or she will be purchasing lunch there with money earned at his or her shop!  This week, we learned how to write checks and how to count back change.  WE ARE READY! 

             SPRING MUSICALS:

Preschool – 2nd grade Music program:  Friday, April 8, 6:30 P.M.

3rd – 8th grade Musical: Friday, April 29, 6:30 P.M.

Are you interested and able to assist with “preparing” for these performances?  Do any of these catch your attention:  costumes? sets? makeup? props? Cast T-Shirt ? design/type programs?  Ms. Rathke still needs so much help!  Please, use the attached sign-up genius according to your interest and availability to help.  Thank you!

Besides TESTING EVERYDAY (!), here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- We discussed the miracle of Jesus Walking on Water, and the Parable of the Rich Fool.  Both lessons focused on how we need to turn our eyes to Jesus and to ask Him to help us focus on the important things in life, instead of the things that distract us from Him and His Word.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these thing will added to you.  ~Matthew 6:33

Also, Lutheran High School led Chapel this week.  Their message, that “God is for us,” was beautiful.  They each shared a testament of his or her faith.  We even got to see and hear from Miss Jenna Mundt, one of Timothy’s beloved alumni!  So proud!

LANGUGAGE ARTS-  We shared March book reports yesterday!  I am so proud of all the hard work these kiddos put into their reports and windsocks.  Information about our last book report and project will come home on Wednesday of next week.  Students will be assigned to read a book about a famous Missourian!  We are excited!   

MEMORY for next week: 

 4/5-Children of the heav’nly Father

Safely in His bosom gather;

Nestling bird nor star in heaven

Such a refuge e’er was given.


4/8-God His own doth tend and nourish;

In His holy courts they flourish.

From all evil things He spares them;

In His mighty arms He bears them.


SPELLING WORDS for next Friday, 8th:  (from the book Harry S. Truman: Thirty-Third President of the United States)

unfortunately, breakfast, handkerchief, cautiously, prayer, caress, doctor, notice, anxious, pamper, Challenge Word: Missouri

MISSOURI HISTORY-  We have been busy learning all about our amazing state this week!  We discussed the state flag, the state seal, the size of our state, its highest point and lowest point, who some of the famous Missourians are, and much more.  We played Missouri History Jeopardy and  tested over material today. 


Art- We studied Missouri’s state bird and state tree, the eastern bluebird and the flowering dogwood.  Then, we drew them, adding watercolor, and oil pastel.  We will finish up these beauties next week. 

P.E.- We learned how to play Capture the Flag this week!

Music- We practiced singing some our songs for our upcoming Spring Musical. 

Writing- We wrote Missouri acrostics.

Please come and CELEBRATE HOLY WEEK with us!

Final Wednesday Lenten Service:  April 6, 5:30pm, RD Mize

Maundy Thursday, April 14:  Service with Holy Communion, 5:30pm, RD Mize

Good Friday, April 15:  5:30pm, Wyatt

Sunday Easter, April 17:  7am (with Holy Communion) & 9:15am (no 8am service), RD Mize; 10am Wyatt

Please join us for worship!

Have a wonderful weekend!


We celebrated a birthday this week!

Some of our 4th graders wrote an acrostic poem for the preschoolers!

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