Hello! Happy September! We have had a WONDERFULLY AWESOME second week of school! It’s been super-busy as we have transitioned into all the core classes, as well as beginning Specials!
Our Home School buddies, Catalina, Tucker, Joshua, Graham,
and Josiah joined us this week! Yay!
Several reminders:
*Homework Folders will come home this afternoon
filled with graded work. Please empty
these and return the folder on Tuesday (usually Mondays!). Anything with a letter grade lower than a B
can be “redone” for half a credit per answer, and turned back in when they
return to school the next week. (Except tests, please.) So far,
everybody is doing very well and working very hard!
*If you have not done so already, please send back in your child’s Faith Alive Bible. We use these almost daily during Religion class. Thank you!
*Also, if you have not already sent in your signed Behavior, Internet, and Handbook forms, please do so. (This is the last page of the handbook.) Thank you!
*The 4th grade kiddos have earned their first STAR party for excellent classroom behavior and effort! I am so proud of them! This will take place next Friday afternoon, September 9th. We voted (yay, democracy!) and decided to have a Game/Snack Party. Students are allowed to bring board games or electronic games/devices (with your approval) with school-appropriate games on them. Snacks can also be sent in if he or she chooses. This can be an individual or for the whole class. Fun will be had by all! ;) Please congratulate them on a job well done!
*Information about the Walk-A-Thon is coming home today! You should have received an email from the office, and your child is bringing a sheet home as well.
In a nutshell, Timothy Lutheran School’s 6th annual
Walk-a-Thon is Friday, September 23rd!
We are hosting this fundraiser to raise funds for our school-- classroom
tools and updated materials, as well as helping teachers with continuing education
and training. All students will
participate by getting pledges and completing laps around the school’s parking
Pledges can be online!
Please click here: https://timothylutheranschool.com/walkathon/
We also need volunteers to assist during the Walk-a-Thon to
make it a success! We will be walking
from 1:30-2:30 pm. Please use this link
to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c4dadab2da7f58-timothy
We will also need snacks for the day, so if you would rather
donate in that fashion, please do so here:
Here is what we have been up to this week:
RELIGION-We learned about the Tower of Babel and God’s
mission for each of us--to spread the Good News of His saving grace and
love! We talked about the many blessings
God has given us today! On Wednesday,
Pastor Ryan led Chapel, and his message went right along with what we are
discussing in class. God LOVES and
forgives us, so we need to spread that Good News with the entire world! God has us in His hands!
MEMORY for Next Week:
9/9-For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from
faith for faith,[a] as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”
~Romans 1:17
9/13- The Old Testament
LANGUAGE ARTS- We read our first story from our reading basals, which was one of the chapters from “Because of Winn Dixie.” They LOVED this, and many want to read the whole chapter book! This week we analyzed the characters, wrote summaries of the stories, and studied the new vocabulary words. We took our first reading and spelling tests today and the students did very well! The students also received information about their first book reports. They have each picked out a Newbery Award winning book to read, and understand their projects. This information should be in their homework folders. We also worked on using editing symbols this week, as we corrected sentences with grammatical and spelling errors.
SPELLING WORDS for the Week of September 9th :
Story: “How Tia Lola Came to Stay” skill, crime, grind,
tonight, brick, flight, live, chill, delight, build, ditch, decide, witness,
wind, district, inch, sigh, fright, remind, split, ignorant, recognize
Challenge Word: copasetic
MATH- This week, we all worked with the vocabulary words digit, period, and place value. We worked with putting numbers in standard, word, and expanded forms. We also read numbers up through the millions, worked with ordering numbers, and using place value to round. We will finish this chapter up next week and test over it on Friday. We have been working hard on memorizing our multiplication facts in class. They are really starting to realize the importance of learning these! This week and next we will focus on multiplying by the 2’s and 3’s. PLEASE work on these at home using flash cards or math computer games. There are some great ones at: www.multiplication.com
SOCIAL STUDIES- We completed our first Scholastic News this week. This is a great way to talk about current events. We also began learning about Missouri History this week! We reviewed how to read maps, find things using a grid system, and reviewed our “address” in this world. Please ask your kiddos to tell you about that! (What planet, hemisphere, continent, country, state, county, street, etc., we are in!)
ART- We had our first art class! After reviewing some cursive letters, we used
our cursive first names to create some Cursive Creatures! These are SO creative! I am amazing at how artistic and creative
this group is!
MUSIC-We had our first classes with Mrs. Beckie Hatcher. (Miss Rathke got married this summer!) The kiddos practiced songs to sing in our upcoming Blue Springs Fall Fun Fest Parade!
WRITING-We learned the steps to Writers’ Workshop, and began writing our very first creative writing projects--BioPoems!
COMPUTER LAB-We learned how to log into the school laptops, and how to create a document on Google Docs. Each student wrote a friendly letter to me, (with all 5 parts), and I am in the process of wring all of them back! Only our class shares a Google Docs account under my name. Your child is welcome to use this at home. Please just send me a private email, and I will send you the information to log in at home. We have promised one another that we will be gracious and respectful of each other’s private folders within this account, as we publish and work on our written work here in our classroom this year.
P.E.-This week we learned the correct way to stretch, run our laps, and we reviewed body skills like skipping, galloping, hopping, jumping, crab walk, grapevine, and bear walk. We had some fun in relay races!
This was such a FUN week!
As always, thank you for your prayers and guidance as we travel through
this school year together. Have a
wonderful and safe, LONG Labor Day weekend!
God’s Blessings!
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