Friday, January 20, 2023

Happy Friday!

Hello, all! 



– January 22 – 29, 2023 – 

‘Making Disciples for Life’ 

Here’s the scoop:

             Sunday, 1/22/23 – Grades K-8 Sing at Timothy Lutheran’s R.D. Mize Road - 9:00 Worship Service

             All School Devotions in the Gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:45 – 9:00 a.m. – Families are INVITED to join us!

            ALL WEEK- Scholastic Book Fair/Third Quarter Mission Project – Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA) – We will be collecting nonperishable items for their Food Pantry—Our class has set a goal of 200 items!  You can start bringing them in on Monday!

             Monday- 1/23/23-MAKING CHILDREN DISCIPLES FOR LIFE -Crazy Sock Day; meeting at 1:00 in the afternoon to make cards for TLS Homebound Members

             Tuesday-1/24/23-MAKING FAMILIES DISCIPLES FOR LIFE-Christian Shirt/Hat Day; Zoomobile coming in the afternoon-1:25

             Wednesday-1/25/23-MAKING DISCIPLES FOR LIFE IN THE CHURCH-Chapel Family Dress Day- 9:00 normal Chapel—families are always invited to attend!

             Thursday-1/26/23 –CELEBRATING DISCIPLERS WHO ARE MAKING DISCIPLES FOR LIFE-Decades Day (dress like your favorite time era) 1:00 pm—The Bible Bee (Our 4th grade participants are: Caleb and Zeke --Parents are welcome to attend!)

              Friday-1/27/23 - MAKING DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS FOR LIFE-Grandparent’s/Special Guest’s Day and Talent Show – Festivities begin at 9:00; Talent Show at 10:30 a.m., Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m. 

             Sunday-1/29/23 – Grades K – 8 Sing at Timothy Lutheran’s Wyatt Road – 10:00 a.m. Worship Service

 (PLEASE do not go out and buy anything for these fun dress days.  Please just use something from home.  The year that my Annabel chose to dress as an animal, we just dressed her in gray sweats and pinned ears to a stocking cap to make her a koala!)  ;)


***Mark your calendars... our JANUARY BOOK FAIR  is next week!  The fair will be open before and after school January 23-26 (Monday-Thursday), during Grandparents' Day (Friday, January 27), and before and after Worship on January 29 (Sunday).  We also have an online option at  We need volunteers for shifts throughout the week. If you’d like to sign up to volunteer, check out the sign up at


The Annual Scholarship Auction/Gala for Timothy Lutheran School is right around the corner! Mark your calendars to attend this year! Tickets are $50 each which includes dinner, all beverages, and entertainment. Virtual bidding tickets are available for $10 each Scholarship packages are available for those who would like to promote their business. Visit for more information or to purchase tickets.


Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- We had our Bible Trivia classroom contest this week, and also learned all about the life of Jonah.  Jonah fought against what God wanted him to do, but God still protected him and led him down a path where he could succeed.  We talked about how this is EXACTLY like us!  Perhaps we ignore God when He is trying to tell us something or lead us in a certain direction.  Perhaps we get angry at Him.  He NEVER leaves us or forsakes us, though!  Glory be to God!

MEMORY for next week: (Just on Tuesday)

1/24- And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.   For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.  Amen. 

LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES- We again discussed the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by reading a story called “Happy Birthday, Dr. King!”  We discussed Rosa Parks, the bus boycott, and what discrimination looks like.  We had some very lengthy , mature conversations in here.  I am proud of these kiddos and the example that they are setting for one another.  It makes me proud that they will someday be the leaders in our country.  We discussed how being different is how God planned for us to be—and EVERYONE is beautiful!

SPELLING WORDS for Thursday, January 26th: from the story entitled, “The Earth Dragon Awakens”- rising, traced, stripped, slammed, dancing, striped, winning, snapping, bragging, handled, dripped, begged, dared, skipped, hitting, spotted, raced, dimmed, spinning, escaped, urged, striving, *centenarian

MATH- This week, we have learned how to divide, having zeroes in the quotient, and how to solve multi-step word problems.  These last few days, we have been reviewing the many skills we have learned in this chapter, including long multiplication and long division.  We will test over this chapter on Monday, and begin a unit on patterns.

SCIENCE- We played Science Jeopardy, we quizzed our friends, and we took a Science test today over plants, animals, cells, organs, tissues, etc.  These will be graded this weekend and handed back next week.  We will begin another Missouri History unit next week!



WRITING- We wrote friendly letter to Mrs. Harris’ son, Gabe, who is in the military and to Mr. Hatcher, who has been very sick!  I am excited to get these mailed off.  We also worked on idioms this week, and are creating a classroom book of them!

MUSIC- The kids are working on songs for National Lutheran Schools Week.  We will record these songs next week to play in church.

P.E. – We played Swamp Ball and PacMan this week.

COMPUTER- We practiced a lot with Google Slides this week!  We continued on our “All About Me” slides, and practiced our Science material with the Jeopardy game and a Cell slide.

ART- We painted portraits of Martin Luther King, Jr.!


Kim Brunkhorst

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