Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Merry CHRISTmas!


Hello, dear parents!  We have had a short, but very BUSY week!  I am so thankful for all of you and your help!


We had a blast bowling, and we did a beautiful job sharing God’s message at Benton House!  I was proud of how our kids witnessed, and how well-behaved they were! 


POLAR EXPRESS PARTY-We had some fun today hot chocolating it up and watching Polar Express in our pj’s! 


SCIENCE-We shared our cell posters this week, and did an experiment with celery to learn how plants take in nutrients.  Our noggins are growing!  ;)


 *Please check on Sycamore and see if your kiddo is all up-to-date on work!  If not, they should have that work at home or in backpacks, and can get caught up over break!  The end of the 2nd quarter is TODAY!  Thank you!

*LUTHERAN SCHOOLS’ WEEK IS COMING UP!  January 21st—28th:  This is a special week set aside by all Lutheran Schools nationwide to celebrate together.  Timothy has a fun Spirit Week that week, where we dress in a special way every day and also do special activities.  (PLEASE don’t go out and purchase anything for these days—Just use items from around your home!)

Theme:  “Connected”

Sunday-All students will sing in church.  Times and details to come! 

Monday-Connected to CHRIST ***Wear Timmy Gear (any Timothy shirt or red, white, and blue!) At-School Project:  Make cards for homebound members to remind them of Christ’s love! 

Tuesday-Connected to the FAITH ***Dress up as any part of Creation!  (Nature, people, animals, etc.)  At-School Event:  Zoo-Mobile will be visiting us!

Wednesday-Connected to the SPIRIT and His Fruitful Gifts ***Chapel -Family Dress Theme—Chapel Families will pick their theme.  (We will do this when students return in January!) At-School Activity: Fruits of the Spirit Fun!

Thursday-Connected to the CHURCH ***Dress as a Bible Character or a Bible Story   At-School Project: The Bible Bee! 

Friday-Connected to His COMMISSION***Dress Your Best!  All-School Activity: Grandparents/Special Person Day/Talent Show—12:30 dismissal

TALENT SHOW-  Please click on the link below to see a message about the Talent Show from Mrs. Stevenson.  Permission slips also came home!

Please join us for WORSHIP-

Christmas Eve Services:  4:00 (at Wyatt), 5:30, 7:30 & 9 pm (Candlelight Service with Holy Communion) at RD Mize

Christmas Day:  Sat., Dec. 25, 10am at RD Mize (with Holy Communion)

*I want wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I count you all amongst my many blessings, and you all will be in my thoughts and prayers!  See you on the 4th.  :)  Love you all!


Mrs. Brunkhorst

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