Friday, February 2, 2024

What a beautiful day!!!

Dear Parents,

It has been wonderful to be able to be in school for 5 whole uninterrupted days!  ;)  We have accomplished so very much this week! 

 Please take a look at some fun upcoming events:

*JUNIE B.JONES:  THE MUSICAL!  Third and fourth grades are heading to The Bell Center Mid America Nazarene University, 2030 East College Way, Olathe, KS 66062, to see the play, "Junie B. Jones: The Musical!" put on by First Act Theatre Arts on Friday, February 23rd. The musical begins at 10:00, and we can arrive any time after 9:30.  We will leave school at 8:45.  The show is 2½ hours, with an intermission.  The cost is $8 a ticket.  We will need parents to attend and/or drive, please.  Adults only!  Tickets have already been purchased.  Please send in $8.00 (or $16, if you are able to come) with your child. Tickets are limited.  Please also send a lunch with your child that day. We will eat in our classroom when we get back to school! Thank you for your support!  This will be a wonderful experience for them!

*If the cost is a hardship for you, please let us know.  

 Please use the Sign-Up Genius link to give your child permission to go and/or to let us know that you are able to attend.

Here is the link to sign-up:


*The ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION/GALA  for Timothy Lutheran School is right around the corner—FEBRUARY 24th!  Please mark your calendars to attend this year! The theme:  “A Night in Disguise!”  Tickets are $50 each which includes dinner, all beverages, and entertainment. Virtual bidding tickets are available for $10 each.  Here is your link to purchase tickets:  Come join the fun!  We have finished our artwork that will be available to bid on at the auction too!


(A picture is attached.) We studied the work of Vincent Van Gogh, and based this project on his piece, “Sunflowers.”  Here is our little blurb about it:

4th graders used Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” as an inspiration, and then created sunflowers of their own using tempera paint, water colors, oil pastels, and oil paint.

We praise God for His Creation daily!

“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”

~Psalm 104:24


*EARLY ENROLLMENT began yesterday!  Students who enroll early get with 50% off of their enrollment fee.  On March 1st, enrollment is open to the public.  Please reserve your spots in the classrooms before they are full!  Just so  you know, Timothy is now set up to accept debit and credit cards.  Thank you! 


* THANK YOU for stepping up and providing for our 3rd quarter service project to Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA)!  We had only 22 items yesterday, and ended the day with 127!  I will keep you updated on our entire school’s total when those numbers come in! 


Here is what we have been up to:

RELIGION:  This week, we discussed Daniel in the lions’ den.  We talked about how we all have “lions” in our own lives that we have to face, and how Satan is our biggest adversary.  We also discussed many different ways to ward off Stan’s temptations. 



2/6- Say the entire Evening Prayer.

2/9 -The Apostle's Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,


LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES: We discussed more about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. this week and the obstacles he faced.  In detail, we discussed, wrote about, and shared what would make a person want to try and “change the world.”  We wrote about our own dreams for the future too.  I love how insightful and thoughtful this group of kiddos are!  Please come by and read about our “dreams” in the hallway! 


SPELLING for next Friday, February 9th:

 (from Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary)

genuine, anxious, comet, pretend, utilize, cross, urge, coax, swifter, outrunning, *unfortunately


MATH:  We FINALLY finished up our unit about long division and interpreting reminders this week!  Students completed the review today, and will test on Monday.  We will begin our unit about fractions next week!


ART: We practiced our weaving skills this week and made beautiful woven hearts to decorate our classroom and the hallway.  We used these to make our valentine holders too.  :)


WRITING: We wrote about our dreams this week and shared them in Readers’ Theatre.  We also had some writing fun, looking at crazy animal pictures, and making up stories about them. 


COMPUTER LAB-We finished up our MAP Growth testing, and also published our ‘essential questions” this week. 


P.E.- We are learning the skills from Presidential Physical Fitness.  We have learned how to correctly do crunches, sit-ups, the sit and reach, and the shuttle run. 


MUSIC-Students learned “Frere Jacques” and how to yodel! 

 Yours in Christ,


We shared our historical fiction oral book reports...

Don and Gary were our school heroes this week!

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