Friday, January 24, 2025

NLSW is NEXT Week! :)

 Hello, 4th Grade Parents!  This week flew by!  Please see below for updates about the fun things coming up!

 NATIONAL LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK (NLSW) kicks off on THIS Sunday, January 26, with all our students singing at the beginning of both services (9 & 10:30). Please wear Timmy gear, school colors, or church dress.  Please have your child there by 8:45.  We will line up and head to the front, and then your kiddo will come back to sit with you. 

 This is a special week set aside by all Lutheran Schools nationwide to celebrate together.  Timothy has a fun Spirit Week that week, where we dress in a special way every day and also do special activities.  (PLEASE don’t go out and purchase anything for these days—Just use items from around your home!  A flier containing these details will come home today.)

 There will be a Book Fair at the beginning and end of each school day. The week will conclude on Friday, January 31, with grandparents/special guest day and a talent show. We will dismiss at 12:30. There will be aftercare available in the afternoon.  Please see below and this link for the plans:

 Theme:  “Endure”

Sunday, 1/26/25--Grades PreK-8 Sing at Timothy Lutheran Church Worship Service

o             Wear Timmy Gear or Dress Your Best

o             Beginning of both services – 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  (Be there at 8:45.)

o             Children are invited to join Sunday School during the last part of the first service.

o             Students and families may leave after singing in the second service.

 Monday, 1/27/25

Theme: Stripping Away Hindrances

Dress:  Blackout (Wear ALL Black)

Event:   1:00 p.m.  Cards for Homebound Members


Tuesday, 1/28/25

Theme: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

Dress:  Your Favorite Holiday

Event:   1:00 p.m. - Stretching, Moving, Dancing Activity


Wednesday, 1/29/25

Theme: Enduring the Cross

Dress:  Chapel/Family Groups Special Dress

•              Alex- White

•              Levi - Red

•              Charlotte– School Colors

•              Zeb– Favorite Color

•              Savannah – Chiefs

•              Nadia - Soccer

•              Colton, Eli – Dress Up as A Teacher

•              Easton – Neon Colors

•              Lydia - Jeans

•              Elijah– Cartoon Character

•              Ashlynn - Royals

•              Nathaniel - Hoodies

•              Aubrey - Sports


Event:   Zoo Mobile - 1:10 p.m.


Thursday, 1/30/25

Theme: The Joy Set Before Us

Dress:  Favorite Sport – Show Your Endurance

Event:   1:00 p.m.


Friday, 1/26/23

9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Grandparents/Special Person Activities Time – Classrooms and/or Gym, 4-G’s

Theme: Running the Race with Perseverance

Dress:  Dress Your Best

Event:   Grandparents/Special Guest’s Day and Talent Show


*Please also mark your calendars for our January BOOK FAIR January 27-31 in the lobby!  The fair will be open before and after school January 27-30 (Monday-Thursday) and during Grandparents' Day (Friday, January 31).  We also have an online option at Thank you so much for your support - all purchases benefit our school!  Our fair is run on 100% volunteer power and we need your help! Please consider signing up to volunteer with this link:

 *VALENTINE’S DAY is coming up!  We will have a classroom party the morning of the 14th.  We will be making valentine bags, playing some games, and having some treats.  :)  You don’t need to make a special valentine holder at home, unless you want to, as we will be decorating bags here at school.  If your child chooses to send in valentines, please make sure each child in our classroom receives one.  Here is our list.  Thank you!



Eli Anderson

Easton Butz

Colton Cantrell

Ashlynn Darby

Levi Haussmann

Charlotte Helmich

Nadia Hyden

Elijah Lantsberger

Zeb Montgomery

Lydia Nicolaus

Savannah Pirch

Nathaniel Prestidge

Aubrey Shineman

Alex Wisner


*The annual AUCTION, “Aloha Nights,” to support our scholarship fund, will be held February 22, 2025.

What time?  8:00-10:00

Where?  The Farmhouse KC

17221 E 32nd St S, Independence, MO 64055

* If you would like to purchase your tickets for the annual event, just go to the home page of our website,, and click on the Aloha Nights graphic. If you have an item, tickets, basket, service, etc. that you would like to donate, please contact the school office. If you or someone you know would like to be an auction sponsor to help defray the costs of the auction, we have various levels and items that can be specifically adopted.

*4th Graders have been working on our project that will be auctioned off too!  We studied Psalm 139, focusing primarily on verse 14—“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.”  We discussed how God created each of us with all of our intricate details and how we are beautiful!  We shared the book, “The Best Part of Me,” and have written our own edition of it.  This is “published,” and up for auction!  To go with this theme, we painted the frame of a mirror, emblazoned with the words “fearfully and wonderfully made.” 

Here is what we have been up to this week:


RELIGION: This week, we discussed the Lord’s Prayer, what each petition means, and how to apply them to our lives.  We talked about the importance of prayer as well!  We had a fun Bible Trivia quiz in class to help us decide who our participants are for next week’s Bible Bee.  ….Drumroll, please!.... Our participants are:  Levi Haussmann, Colton Cantrell, and Lydia Nicolaus!  Yay!  I am so proud of ALL the kiddos! 


1/28- For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.

1/31- Say the entire Evening Prayer.

 MATH:  We finally finished up Unit 7, where we learned ling division and how to interpret and use remainders.   We tested over this on Thursday and began Unit 8 today!  Now, we will be focusing on fractions!  We will begin 12’s in our mad minutes next week.  :) 

 LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES:  We learned more about Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and the Civil Rights Movement by reading the story, “Happy Birthday, Dr. King!”  We focused on who to turn those silly things we may do in life, and turn them into stupendous things!  Next week, we will begin reading “Ramona and Her Father,”  a Newbery winning award book by our Author of the Month, Beverly Cleary.   January Historical Fiction book reports are due next Thursday, January 30th

 SPELLING WORDS for THURSDAY, January 30th: (from Ramona and Her Father)

genuine, anxious, comet, pretend, utilize, cross, urge, coax, swifter, outrunning, *unfortunately


SCIENCE: We learned about conifers, pollination, germination, and the life cycle of a plant.


Special Classes:

ART:  We learned all about Snowflake Bentley this week and how he helped us view actual photographs of snowflakes with his determination and “against all odds” attitude.  We learned how to draw snowflakes too!  We finished up our MLK portraits and worked on painting our mirror for the auction. 

P.E.:  We worked on our Presidential Physical Fitness unit.  We recorded personal goals and actual fitness amounts for sit-ups, pushups, sit and reach, and ½ mile run. I am proud of these kiddos!

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP:  We did funny picture prompt writing yesterday!  We cannot wait to share our stories with you! 

MUSIC:  We worked on our songs for National Lutheran Schools Week. 

God's Blessings,

Zeb brought his mom and baby sister to share with us this week!  

Here is a glimpse of our projects for the auction!

MLK finished portraits

Sharing our funny picture prompt stories...

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