Hello, Parents! We have had a wonderful week of school! We have been busy this week creating, learning, and exploring! We had an awesome devotion this morning about how we all need to make sure we are setting the example to lean on Jesus in times of need. He is always present with us and He needs to be our Strong Tower. I am sending this devotion home today. The children and I really resonated with it!
In Religion this week we discussed Joseph. Many of the kids expressed that this is their favorite Bible story, and they were so excited to learn about him and to share the information they knew. We talked about how his brothers sold him into slavery, how God had a plan for him with his time in prison, and interpreting dreams, as well as when he helped to save the people of Egypt from the famine that hit their land. He was a wise and wonderful ruler, and we learned so much from him.
Next week, we will take a break from our regular Religion series, and will begin our Reformation unit about the life of Martin Luther and the impact he had on our church and all of Christianity.
In Math, third graders are learning about fact families, and are talking about how to subtract longer-digit numbers. Fourth graders are working with telling time, and finding the elapsed time in certain situations. Please continue to work with your child on their math facts at home: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Thank you!
In Language Arts this week, we talked about singular and plural nouns and went on a hunt for these! We also read neat stories about what illustrators do and what movie-makers do to make movies interesting and fun! This made our creative juices flow as we worked on our personal narratives and read for our book reports this week! We are busy!
In Music this week we concentrated on the songs that we will be sharing at the Advent service in December! We sound so beautiful! We also practiced some of our favorite guitar songs with Mrs. Mundt and the song we will be singing in church in January…it is an a cappella!
In P.E. this week we tested our thinking skills by playing Capture the Flag and Man from Mars. These are both fun strategic games. What fun!
In Art this week, we studied the artwork of Eric Carle. We read several of his books, and then created our own masterpieces in his style! These are coming home today for you to view and to see if you want to have this art put on any items to purchase. This is a fund raiser for our school through a company called Original Works, so be on the lookout for these in backpacks! J
Please Remember: Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. This money will go toward their financial aide. Our project this month is to collect gift cards for Joplin, from places that they need supplies from. 3rd/4th grade is on a roll! Your child has been asked to pray about what he or she might want to give, and to bring these in this month. Thank you for your help!
Kim Myers
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