Friday, November 4, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conference Notes

Dear Parents,

I have enjoyed meeting with each of you at conferences this week! Thank you for sharing your precious children with me. They are such a joy to teach. It was fun visiting with each of you and updating you on what we have been up to here in the land of third and fourth graders!

As I shared at conferences, third graders will be continuing our chapter on borrowing and regrouping next week. This has been a difficult process for most of them. Fourth graders will continue to work on telling time and working with variables as well. Their time test that has come home today is not their best! So, we will work on these concepts all next week, and retake the test on Friday. This new grade will replace their old one! You will see some extra work coming home next week for both grade levels, so we can really get these skills down! Thank you for working with your child!

Information for your child’s book reports came home this week, as well as the historical fiction (3rd grade) and the fantasy (4th grade) book he or she has begun to read. Please remind your child to read at home. Thanks!

Here is a quick update of upcoming events:
*November4- 1:00 Dismissal Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 7- Picture Retake Day
*November 8- Barnes and Noble Night
*November 9- Donuts with Dad 7:45-8:15
*November 22nd-Classroom Thanksgiving Feast…more details to come!
*November 23-23-No School—Thanksgiving Break
*December 2nd-Field trip to Theatre of Young America 9:00-12:30…permission slip to come home next week.
Blessings on your weekend!
Kim Myers

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