Monday, December 19, 2011

Newsletter for December 16th

Dear Parents,
We have had a great and fun week!

School of Economics:
We went to the School of Economics on Wednesday and we had so much fun! Conrad was a great mayor and Victoria was a wonderful Bank President! All of the students worked hard making and selling their products, and writing paychecks, and counting out money at the bank. All shops paid off their loans, and the kiddos learned so much about supply and demand, cooperating with one another, and spending their money wisely! What a great day!

The Advent Services on Wednesday night were beautifully done! The children helped Pastor Rich share the message of Jesus beautifully! I was so proud of our Bible Reading skit. Our children portrayed the story of Jesus so well, and sang so beautifully! Thank you for all of your time and help! I would like to give a special “thank you” from our class, to Conrad’s grandma, Sharon Jobe, for helping with and making our costumes. They were gorgeous...fuzzy haired wise men and all!

Next Tuesday, December 20th, we are going bowling at Lunar Bowl and are going to sing at Blue Springs Manor. If you have not returned your child’s permission slip yet, please do so. We still need drivers! Thank you so much!

Next Wednesday, December 21st, our class is going to have a Polar Express Party. Your child may wear his or her pjs to school. (Please send tennis shoes). Your child may bring a pillow or a blanket or sleeping bag too, and a snack to share with the class, if he or she chooses! We will have hot chocolate and watch the movie in our classroom! Fun times!

In Math this week the third graders worked hard with telling time, identifying A.M. and P.M., and telling elapsed time. Fourth graders worked with mean, median and mode, and line plots this week. They are working hard and learning new things!

In Language Arts this week we talked about verbs and found them in sentences and in our writing. Our spelling tests and Reading tests for this unit will be on Wednesday, the 14th. Please urge your child to read their book report books over Christmas break! Thank you!

In Religion this week, we have been talking about the 10 commandments and how they apply to our lives. We have learned the meanings of them and are talking about God wants us, as Christians, to set examples for others around us in all we say, think, and do.

In P.E. this week we continued with basketball skills! We continued to work on skills and played a few games of scrimmage!

Thank you so much for giving to our friend in need! We got so many gifts for our boy (tons of cars and toys) and our girl (dolls, socks, and art supplies), that I know Christmas will be very special for them this year! Our kids have really learned the spirit of giving!

Please Remember: Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. Our goal this month is to raise $500.00 as a whole school, and we will be able to participate in a fun Candyland adventure. Thank you for your help!

Dates to Remember:
*December 16th-Basketball games at MLA at 6, 7, and 8 o’clock
*December 17th--Christmas Pageant rehearsal from 10:30-12:00 in gym
*December 17th and 18th-Christmas Pageant in gym 6:30 and 3:30
*December 20th-Bowling Party and caroling at St. Mary’s Manor
*December 21st-Pajama Day...Polar Express Party...1:00 dismissal to begin Christmas break…

This will be the last newsletter before Christmas break! Please have a blessed Christmas. You all will be on my heart! My prayer is that we all will enjoy this special time with our families and remember to keep the Christ Child front and center…
Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers

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