Friday, February 24, 2012

Newsletter from February 24th!

This week has been fun! It was short and sweet, but full of fun activities!

In Religion this week, we learned more about Jesus’ miracles! We discussed how Jesus stilled the storm, and how Jesus cast out the demons. For journal this week, the students had to pretend they were writing a journal entry from a disciple’s point of view, after witnessing one of Jesus’ miracles! These were so creative and interesting!

In Math this week, third grade worked with missing factors, multiplying three factors, multiplication properties, and problem solving. Fourth grade learned how to balance equations, and work with input/output boxes. We had lots of fun! Please continue working on multiplication facts at home!

In Language Arts this week, we began the book “Charlotte’s Web.” The students will each be reading this book independently and completing a study on it! For the next few weeks, our spelling words will come from this selection, and we will learn many new vocabulary words too! Do you know what the word “hullabaloo” means?

In Cursive we learned the letters “I” and “j”. In English, we learned how to distinguish the articles “a”, “an” and “the,” and how to use them correctly.

We began our expository writing or our research papers this week. Each student made a web of interests, and then decided on one to research and to begin writing about. We went to the library to look up information on the internet, and in encyclopedias and books. Be on the lookout for some of this work to come home!

All of the children have expressed some interest in purchasing the devotion book that I use every day for our classroom devotions! They love it! It is a 365 Day Devotion book, and Miss Lydia can get them to you for $5.00 if you would like to purchase one! Please just send the money to school in a labeled envelope, and I will take care of that for you! Thanks!

In P.E. this week, we played a game called Shark Attack! It was a fun game of tag! We are getting in such good shape, and will begin getting ready to review track and field events in the next few weeks…

In Social Studies today, we took our test over Chapter 3 in our Missouri History texts. We did so well and are learning so much about out awesome state! Thank you for studying with your child at home. We also played Missouri Jeopardy and really rocked out the answers!

Lutheran Schools Week is coming up, and we have so many fun activities planned! Please be sure to look at the Upcoming Events below, to see what we have in store!

Next week, we are having the Stanford Achievement Tests in 3rd/4th grades. Fourth graders are used to the routine, but to the third graders, this is new! We will be testing in the morning everyday next week. We will continue to have Special Classes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child is getting to bed on time, and that he or she eats a great breakfast. It helps with their concentration and brain power! If you would like, please send healthy snacks for your child (or the entire class), for our break between testing each day. Thank you for your help with this! Today, we ran through some “practice tests” so your child will see what the testing is like, and also to form a strategy for answering questions. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this process.

Please Remember: Our Mission Project this year is to raise money to help Martin Luther School in Joplin, MO. Our goal this month is to see who can raise more: Kindergarten through fourth grade OR fifth grade through eighth grade!

Upcoming Events:

February 27th-March 2nd- Achievement Testing
March 4th-10th – Lutheran Schools Week Book Fair here all week
4th – Sun. – Grades k-8 sing at 8:00/9:15 services (North Campus)
6th – Tues. – Open House, 5-7 p.m.
7th – Wed. – PTL Lenten Supper
8th – Thurs. – Grades 5-8 travel to LHS to hear from Brian Young, creationist
9th – Fri. – Grandparents’ Day/Talent Show/ 12:30 dismissal
11th – Sun. – Grades k-8 sing at 9:30 services (South Campus)
16th – Fri. – End of 3rd Quarter, 1:00 dismissal
21st – Wed. – Report cards go home

Blessings on your Friday and upcoming weekend,

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