Friday, October 19, 2012

Newsletter from 10-19-12

Dear Parents,

We have had another great week in third and fourth grade. It is hard to believe that today is the end of first quarter. The children have been working so hard and are doing very well! I have stressed how important it is to get all of our work in buy this week, as I figure grades this weekend! We have had quite a few sick kiddos this week! My, oh my, have we been a little class… If your child needs more time than the weekend to get caught up, please let me know. Thank you!

We had a special visitor from the Blue Springs Optimists Club on Tuesday morning. She told us about some upcoming events in the city and also passed out free dictionaries to 4th graders. It was such a nice gift and the 3rd graders are eagerly waiting for their turn next year! We all read the Optimist Creed together. What a nice and positive way to live your life. I was so proud of the kids too, because they shared their faith, by saying to her, “This is the way Jesus wants us to live too!” She was taken aback, I think, but said to me later that she was very moved by how much our children love the Lord. It made me proud. That is kudos to you, as you have trained your children up in the way of the Lord! Amen!

Our fall party is this next Friday, October 26th. Thank you so much for signing up! I will let you know via email whom I need to drive, as we have A LOT of parents coming! That is awesome! I appreciate you signing up for snacks as well. It should be loads of fun! Please remember to send in $2.00 with your child. This covers the cost of the pumpkins. Thank you!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 25 & 26. Here is the conference schedule. If, for whatever reason, you need another time, please let me know!

Thursday, October 25th


2:00-Annabel’s conference






Friday, October 26th







At a later time: Anna

Students are responding well to the October Mission Project challenge, “Fighting the 45”. Each Chapel Family that meets this challenge will enjoy a “Dessert Day” after lunch. We are excited!

Please remember that we sing in church this Sunday! Please have your child here at the south site at 8:50, dressed in Rams’ colors. Thank you!

Here is what we did this week:

In Religion, we finished up our unit about Martin Luther and wrote short essay about him. Today, we made Luther’s Seals and discussed what the colors mean. We also learned “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” and practiced singing this. Next week, our class leads Chapel! If you can, please join us next Wednesday from 8:45-9:15. Thank you!

Memory work for next week is:

October 23- Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20:29
October 26-The Lord has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

In Language Arts this week, we discussed run-on sentences and practiced finding them and correcting them with in written work. We also worked a lot this week with story webbing and writing a synopsis. In Reading, the third graders read a story called “Harvest Birds,” about a really brave farmer, and fourth graders read, “Me and Uncle Romie,” where they learned about family and about collages. They were very cool stories! Third graders shared their book reports this morning and did a tremendous job! Their projects were so cool, so thank you for the extra help you gave them!  I will hang these in the hallway so we can all see them when you come for conferences. Fourth graders need to have their book report (over books with animals as the main character) completed by October 31st.

In Math this week, we worked on telling time! This has been a hard skill for some of the children, so I ask that you practice this at home as much as possible, please. If you think your child would benefit from some practice worksheets, please let me know. We worked on telling time to the minute, telling the elapsed time, reading and planning a schedule, and reading a calendar. Next week we will focus on money.

In Science this week, we learned about cones and their job of protecting these seeds of the conifer tree. Next week, we will “dissect” flowers and cones. We will learn about the pistil and the stamen, and the different parts of the cone. We will wear gloves. If you do not want your child to participate in this activity because of allergies, please let me know. Thank you!

During Art, we learned how to make different shades of the same color by adding white and black. This was so fun! Then we looked at pictures of silly clowns, drew some of our own, and decorated them using the different shades! They are so cute!

In P.E. this week, we learned the dodge ball game of Four Quadrants! This is a fun version of dodge ball where there are four teams trying to eliminate each other. It gets down to one person standing as the winner! Such fun…

For Writers’ Workshop, we each wrote an acrostic Name Poem and continued writing Personal Narratives!

For Computer Lab this week, we worked on our typing program, and started publishing our poems personal narratives.

In Music, we continued our study of the recorder. This week, we learned how to play a C. Students can now play four notes. They were given several new 3 note songs and two 4 note songs to practice. A few students have already earned their Recorder Karate white belt. Way to go! Keep practicing!

Next Thursday will be a very different morning for us! Instead of having traditional classes, students will run through our specials schedule! Homeschoolers are asked to arrive at 8:30 and are welcome to stay through to the end of the day at 1:00. If you’ve not already done so, please let us know if you’ll pick up your child before or after lunch, as well as whether they will bring their lunch or need the school’s hot lunch. Thank you, homeschoolers!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers

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