Dear Parents,
We have had another great week! This week, we visited the preschool twice to share with them a special Chapel message about kindness. We shared with them the verse from Matthew 25:40, and discussed how when we are kind to our friends and neighbors, we are also being kind to Jesus! It was so fun to see all of the “little ones,” some former teachers and friends, and to see our children be so bold in proclaiming their faith! We had a lot of fun! Thank you to Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Pascoe, and Mrs. Warren for helping transport us!
Please check out our Mission Project Challenge, “Holiday Hang Out” in the hallway. For December, students will be working with their homeroom class to raise money. For each $5 collected, we will hang an ornament on the Christmas tree display in the hallway. Each homeroom reaching their goal will be invited to participate in the Holiday Hang Out, the ultimate school Christmas party!
We are so excited for the Lunar Bowl all-school Christmas party on December 20. That afternoon, we will Christmas carol at the Villages of Jackson Creek. Students are busy practicing Christmas carols and making cards to share with the residents.
Several of you have asked me if there are any needs in our classroom. We do have several things that have popped in my head! We need an electric pencil sharpener, as our pencil sharpener is on the fritz, and we also need Lysol or Clorox wipes, and a classroom supply of Neosporin or Vaseline! We have such dry lips and noses, that we have run out! Thank you so much!
CLASS CHRISTMAS GIFTS: In lieu of buying Christmas gifts for one another in our classroom, our class has chosen to help a family in need. We are adopting a church family that needs help paying utilities this month. I have talked to your children about this and they are so excited in helping out and sharing God’s love in this way! Many of the children have expressed their want to contribute from their own allowances. This really moved me that they are so willing to witness and love their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! If you are able to contribute in anyway, please send money in a marked envelope to school. I will extend this date to Monday, the 17th. Thank you!
All students are invited to participate in Timothy’s 4:00pm Christmas Eve Service. If your child is interested in participating (singing, speaking parts, costume parts), please contact Aimee Gorrow. She is the Children’s Choir Director and will provide you with the details.
Here is what we did this week:
In Religion this week we have been discussing how Jesus can be described as having humiliation and exaltation. We also discussed how Easter and Christmas are a lot alike in their symbols and the ways God showed His love for us! We are continuing to learn about Advent as well. Today, we discussed God’s promise of the end of the world. Although it may be scary, we live with the certainty that we have the Holy Sprit in our hearts, and that we are heading to heaven. We were reminded of our Chapel message that we shared this week and how Jesus reminds us that we must help others, as we are also helping Him. We are busy learning Christmas hymns also, which is so much fun! We have so many good singers in this classroom! I can just feel God smiling down on us!
This week for our day school Chapel, Mrs. Burns joined us! We have missed her! She did a wonderful job of sharing God’s message to us, sharing beautiful pictures from her recent vacation, and reminding us that we must take the road less traveled, the rocky path, if you may, to stay on path with God. This connected to our lesson today, too. Being a Christian in today’s world is not always easy. We have the amazing task of standing up, proclaiming our faith and sharing the most important Message in the world!
In Language Arts this week, third graders read a story called “Aero and Officer Mike” about a police officer and his companion. We really thought this story was fun! Fourth graders read a story entitled, “The Life and Times of the Ant.” This nonfiction story is so full of neat, little-known facts about ants, and the illustrations are hilarious! Please check them out.
We have been busy learning cursive letters too, as you have seen! Please encourage your child to practice these at home. Thank you!
We will not have reading stories or spelling words next week because of our busy schedule. However, we will fill that time with diving headfirst into our ‘Getting Along” services. We are learning some great skills at getting along with each other and how to appreciate each other’s differences and similarities.
In Math this week, both groups tested over Chapter 7. Third graders learned probability and fourth graders practiced using different ways of sharing information with graphs. Next week, we all will begin multiplication! Yeah! We are excited!
During Art, we finished our self-portraits and we made Christmas gifts for you! We are excited to share them!
In P.E. this week, we scrimmaged! Boy, did we put out new basketball skills to the test! We learned how to throw the ball in, what the positions are, and how to work as a team. We will do this again on Tuesday as well.
In Music this week, we had fun singing traditional and new Christmas songs. Students also had fun dancing (yes, dancing) to “Jingle Bells”. We also learned how to play “Jingle Bells” on the Recorder. Students continue to progress through the Recorder Karate program. Each step teaches more difficult concepts. For example, several students are working towards their “green belt” right now. Those students are learning to play a new note, “E”. They are also learning to play eighth notes. The song also begins on the 4th beat of the measure, instead of on beat 1. This is the most challenging piece so far. Keep working! Upon returning to school in January, students may choose a music piece to play for the talent show during National Lutheran Schools’ Week (Feb. 1).
For Writers’ Workshop, we worked on our fairytales. They are coming along beautifully! These are due next Friday, December 22nd. If your child needs more time, he or she needs to let me know.
Please look below at the things coming up next week! If you have not turned your child’s bowling money in, please do so! …and your child can wear/bring pjs, and bring a blanket or pillow on Friday. We are going to watch “Polar Express” and drink hot chocolate! Fun times in 3rd/4th grade!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers
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