Merry Christmas!
Hello, Parents! It is my prayer that you had a relaxing day with your children yesterday! I don’t know about you, but the snow was a nice surprise, and my kiddos spent the majority of the day out in it! This week was a quick one. I have given you a few highlights below:
Religion: We reviewed the Christmas story, and talked about all of the wonderful names for our Savior.
Reading: We read many Christmas selections, and used those as our reading texts. We had to “story web” them, and find unfamiliar words and phrases.
Math: We began multiplication this week! Third graders learned how to make arrays and learned their 2’s and 5’s. Fourth graders reviewed simple multiplication and discussed how multiplication and division are related with fact families.
Art: We made presents for YOU!!!!
Social Studies: We worked with our “Getting Along” series, and talked about how friends are like apples. Some friends, we just know their “peel,” just surface things about them, some friends, we know their “flesh”, which are more intimate things, and then some friends, who are few and far between, are “core” friends. We discussed how in our classroom, our goal should be to have all of us be at least “flesh” friends, and some of us are already “core” friends. What I do know is this: This group of children are wonderful friends and we love each other very, very much!
Today: We had our Polar Express party! We had hot chocolate, two birthday treats (thank you, Ian and Jenna!!!), and popcorn, and loads of fun!
23- Mrs. Barber's Birthday
24-31- No School, Christmas Break
28- TLS Movie Night 7-9
1-4- No School, Christmas Break
7- Classes Resume
11- End of 2nd Quarter, 1:00pm Dismissal
12-Ms. Myers’ and Mr. Brunkhorst’s wedding
21- No School, Martin Luther King Day
23- 1st & 2nd Grade Lead Chapel
26- Mrs. Carrasco's Birthday
27-31- National Lutheran Schools' Week, Scholastic Book Fair
27- K-8 Choirs Sing, South Campus 9:30am
28- School Spirit Day
29- Sports Day
30- Morning with Mom 7:45-8:20am, Chapel Family Choice Day
31- Pajama Day
1- Dress Your Best Day, Grandparents Day, Talent Show, Early Dismissal
3- K-8 Choirs Sing, North Campus
Have a very blessed Christmas and Happy New Year! I will be praying for each and every one of you, as you travel, visit with friends and family, and share the love of our Savior with one another. Love to you all!
Please worship with us this Christmas:
CHRISTMAS EVE—Monday, December 24
4:00 p.m. (South Campus) - Worship
5:30 p.m. (North Campus) - Candlelight Worship
6:30 p.m. (South Campus) - Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion
7:30 p.m. (North Campus) - Candlelight Worship
11:00 p.m. (North Campus) - Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion
Tuesday, December 25—10:00 a.m. (North Campus) Worship with Holy Communion
Yours in Christ,
Kim Myers
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