Friday, March 8, 2013

Newsletter for 3-8-13

Third and Fourth Grade News
From the Week of March 8, 2013

Dear Parents,
We have finally had a full week of school…and a “regular” week of school!  It felt good to get back on track! 
The big news today in our classroom, and the news that makes me want to shout for JOY, is that Mason shared that he is getting baptized!  I wish you could have heard the “Hooray!” that went up in our classroom and that you could have seen his face shine!  J  If you are able to make it, please bring your child and family to our church, south site (here), on March 17th, at 9:30, to worship with us and witness Mason’s baptism.  We are truly brothers and sisters in Christ, and I know many of the children would love to be there!  Thank you! 
On Monday, we finished up our achievement tests.  Your children worked so hard!  Today, we celebrated our hard work by having a Star Party.  We enjoyed popcorn, soda, and we watched Ramona and Beezus. We have been reading the books by Beverly Cleary in class, and we really enjoyed seeing the scenes we have been reading about.  They seemed to come to life!  J 
Fourth graders shared their movie poster book mystery book reports on Monday!  They did such a fantastic job!  These are hanging in the hallway!  You can also check out the picture on our website.  On that note, I have finally posted pictures from National Lutheran Schools Week.  Please check them out.  Information about March book reports are coming home today.  Third graders’ book reports are due March 15th, next Friday. 
Our annual Trivia Night fund raiser is Friday, April 19.  It is a fun night, including a team trivia competition and silent auction.  We encourage you to gather your team of 8 friends and join us for the fun.  Don’t have a team?  Don’t worry!  Teams of individuals can be formed that evening.  The theme is “Dancing Through the Decades”.  Each class is creating a one-of-a-kind item for the live auction.  Ticket sales begin April 2.  We are accepting new items for the silent auction.  We welcome individual and/or business donations of goods or services.  If you would like to help, contact Amanda Pascoe.
Our students have been invited to participate in Timothy’s spring pageant, “The Story”, on April 13 & 14.  We are learning three new songs for this special event. 
Please remind your child to bring in change for Children’s Christian Concern Society each Wednesday in March.   Each $25.00 we raise will sponsor a student for a month.  This money shares the message of Jesus and educates this child.  Thank you for helping us to support this organization.  The kids are excited! 
Next Friday marks the end of our quarter.  Students will be dismissed at 1:00.
Next year’s enrollment time is here!  Enrolling soon helps us with our planning for the next school year.  We do expect some of our classes to be full next year, especially in the lower grades.  The sooner your papers are in, the sooner your position is set.
There has been an adjustment to the school calendar.  Because of our recent snow days, we are extending our school year through Friday, May 24th.  We will have a closing chapel and early release at 1 p.m. that day.

Below, I have highlighted some of what we have done this week:

Social Studies: We finally finished up our unit on “Getting Along!”  This culminated this week with learning the 5 Steps to Peaceful Problem Solving.  We each put on skits where we had conflicts, and the kids had to prove that they knew how to use the five steps to solve the problem peacefully.  They each passed with flying colors, and received their Peacemaker Award.  I am sending home some of these skits today.  I would like you to read these over as a family, and discuss ways to solve as well.  I think this leads to great discussions about life skills and about how to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Many of these skills can be used with siblings at home.  Be on the lookout for theses and for the 5 steps coming home today.  Thank you! 

Art: We listened to some Sousa marches, and now are creating parade scenes!  First, we are making the crowds, and street scenes, and then are adding our marching bands.  We have talked about depth perception, and how to make this recognizable in our art work.  These will be completed in a couple of weeks. 

Music::  In choir we began learning songs for the Spring Pageant.  We learned “When I Think of You”, a peppy song with an African flair.  We began learning “The Word”, a beautiful song about the precious Word of God.  Thursday, we learned about the quarter rest.  We reviewed the quarter note and 4/4 time.  We practiced counting and clapping different rhythms.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.  What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house,

March 15- or get it in a way which only appears right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it. 

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

March 22- What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not entice or force away our neighbor’s wife,

March 26-- workers, or animals, or turn them against him, but urge them to stay and do their duty.

March 26- We will have a short matching test about the commandments.  

Math: third graders are learning how to read word problems, choose the symbol to use, and then solve.  We learned the differences between equations and expressions.  Fourth graders learned how to multiply two and three digit numbers.  We also tested over rounding them and solving.  This was tough, and will retake the test on Monday.  Please review the test that came home with your child today.  Thank you! 

Reading/Language Arts:  This week we reviewed singular and plural possessive nouns.  We had some fun doing this and it was a good reminder.  In Reading, third graders read the funny story called Dogzilla.  They had so much fun with this story.  Fourth graders read about Cesar Chavez, and his role in helping migrant farmers with his peaceful protests.  This tied right into our discussing with Getting Along and about what we learned about MLK.  What a great, inspiring example! 

We will begin Science again next week!  We will be learning about the sun, the moon, and the earth.

Upcoming Events:

15- End of 3rd Quarter, 1:00pm Dismissal
28- 1:00pm Dismissal, Maundy Thursday
29- No School, Good Friday
30- Lois Warren's Birthday


1- No School, Easter Monday
13 & 14- Spring Pageant
19- Trivia Night
24- Administrative Professionals Day

Have a wonderful weekend!
God’s Blessings!
Kim Brunkhorst

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