Friday, March 15, 2013

Third and Fourth Grade Newsletter 3-15-13

Third and Fourth Grade News
From the Week of March 15, 2013

Dear Parents,
We have had a great week!  J  Today is the end of the 3rd quarter.  Can you believe it?  It is amazing how quickly this year has sped by!  I urged students to get in all of their work today, as I have begun to work on report cards this afternoon.  Your child will not be able to “redo” assignments for ½ points this time around, as I am figuring grades today.  Grade cards will come home next Wednesday.  Thank you. 
Please remember to join us this weekend, if you can, for the baptism of our good friend, Mason McCarter, at the 9:30 Service of Joy this Sunday!  We are all so excited and happy for him! 
Third graders shared their fantasy book reports today, and they were fantastic!  We had a pirate, many movie posters, and a skit with Bad Kitty!  It was wonderful!  I will post pictures soon! 
Easter Break is coming! Students will be dismissed at 1:00 on Thursday, March 28 to begin our Easter Break.  We will have specials classes in the morning this day, to accommodate our homeschoolers.  In honor of Easter, students will not report back to class until Tuesday, April 2. 
Our annual Trivia Night fund raiser is Friday, April 19.  It is a fun night, including a team trivia competition and silent auction.  We encourage you to gather your team of 8 friends and join us for the fun.  Don’t have a team?  Don’t worry!  Teams of individuals can be formed that evening.  The theme is “Dancing Through the Decades”.  Each class is creating a one-of-a-kind item for the live auction.  Ticket sales begin April 2.  We are accepting new items for the silent auction.  We welcome individual and/or business donations of goods or services.  If you would like to help, contact Amanda Pascoe.
Our students have been invited to participate in Timothy’s spring pageant, “The Story”, on April 13 & 14.  We are learning three new songs for this special event. 
Please remind your child to bring in change for Children’s Christian Concern Society each Wednesday in March.   Each $25.00 we raise will sponsor a student for a month.  This money shares the message of Jesus and educates this child.  Thank you for helping us to support this organization.  The kids are excited! 
Next year’s enrollment time is here!  Enrolling soon helps us with our planning for the next school year.  We do expect some of our classes to be full next year, especially in the lower grades.  The sooner your papers are in, the sooner your position is set.
There has been an adjustment to the school calendar.  Because of our recent snow days, we are extending our school year through Friday, May 24th.  We will have a closing chapel and early release at 1 p.m. that day.

Below, I have highlighted some of what we have done this week:
Science: We began our unit about the sun, moon, and stars this week. The students are very excited to learn about these things and to soon build our Space Stations!

School of Economics: Students interviewed for the jobs they’d like to have when we go to the School of Economics on Wed., April 17.  On Monday, they will find out which jobs they’re getting!  Students will have preparation sessions to get the pricing for their items solidified and think about ways to advertise their products.  A SignUpGenius link has been email to you with further details and parent-helper information.  We still have some open spots left for parent helpers! J  If you are missing the email about School of Economics, check out this link:

Art: We finished up our parade scenes this week, as we enjoyed listening to Sousa marches again as we listened to some Sousa marches, and now are creating parade scenes! 

Music::  In choir we began learning songs for the Spring Pageant.  We learned “When I Think of You”, a peppy song with an African flair.  We began learning “The Word”, a beautiful song about the precious Word of God.  On Thursday, we each had a recorder solo, and did so well! 


You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

March 22- What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not entice or force away our neighbor’s wife,

March 26-- workers, or animals, or turn them against him, but urge them to stay and do their duty.

March 26- We will have a short matching test about the commandments.  

Math: Third graders this week worked with dividing by 9, 10, 11, and 12.  They also worked with using expressions and equations in math problems.  Fourth graders worked with multiplying two and three-digit numbers, and with solving word problems with these skills.  They are getting into higher level math and thinking!  J 

Reading/Language Arts:  This week we again reviewed singular and plural possessive nouns, and I think the kids have mastered this skill! 

            Religion: This week in Religion, we had some really great discussions!  After an amazing sermon by Pastor Rich on Wednesday night, we had a wonderful conversation about Peter and about Judas.  This tied in with the text we have been covering in class, where we discussed how we are a family of believers, even with the saints that have gone before us.  We are the church.  We are all sinners and we all make the same types of mistakes…over and over again.  The question came up about who is in heaven…Judas?  Saul?  I spoke from my heart, and explained that only God knows the answers to these questions, as He is the only one that can see into one’s heart when our time has come to leave this earth.  We shared a lot of personal stories and prayed some very heartfelt prayers.  It was a great hour for all of us in here.  Thank you for your amazing faith-filled kiddos! 

Have a wonderful weekend!
God’s Blessings!
Kim Brunkhorst

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