Third and
Fourth Grade News
From the Week of October
11, 2013
Hello! Did this week speed by for any of you? Goodness, we
were busy! :) Below is what we have been up to!
Religion- We discussed the stories
of Moses, the Passover, and the Exodus. Today we read the story of the
Exodus and the Red Sea from our Bibles with groups and are learning how to find
the key points to the story and how the Exodus relates to our lives. I
love the cooperation I see happening! Also, in chapel this week, we watched
an inspiring video of a woman who had received an Operation Christmas Child
package as a youngster, how it had changed her life as she began to follow
Christ, and who now is a Christian schoolteacher in The United States. National
Collection Week is approaching soon – November 18-25! Thank you SO MUCH
for showing kids around the world a little extra love.
Language Arts- We learned about synonyms
and antonyms this week.! We finished Roald Dahl’s “The BFG” today--what a
fabulous, funny, creative story! :) We also read the
following fun stories as classes:
3rd-”What Do Illustrators
4th-”Coming Distractions:
Questioning Movies”
With both classes, I
suggested they share these with you, as they were both interesting, informative
3rd-We worked with subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers this week,
and reviewed regrouping. They are doing so well!
4th- We tested over expressions, equations and patterns this
week and began our short unit on telling time to the second. Today we
worked with minutes before and after the hour. If you have a face clock
at home, constantly quiz your child! This is becoming more and more
difficult to teach in our digital world! Thank you!
Social Studies- The children did so well on their Chapter 2 test. We
played Missouri Jeopardy was quite fun and a great quick
review! (You will have to ask them about the Double Jeopardy question!)
Today we began our first discussions of Earthworks. Next week, we
will dive in headfirst! :)
P.E.- This week in P.E. we
began learning volleyball skills. We will continue this for a few weeks.
The students learned how to pass and set properly.
Art- We finished our Fall
Still-Lifes and added details. We also created woven pumpkins. Our
hallway is beautiful and full of Autumn color!
Music- With Mrs. Krekel, we
practiced the song we are singing at SOJ on Oct. 20 as well as a few of the
students’ favorites. We also got out instruments for the students to play to
reinforce rhythm pattern.
Writers’ Workshop- This week, we continued
work on our personal narratives, and are almost finished!. We had some trouble
setting up our accounts, because in order to do so, I had to indicate a phone
number...I was not comfortable giving this information out myself. If you
would like your child to be able to use Google Docs here at school, please sign
them up with a Gmail account, register it under your name and phone number, and
then please send me the email address and password. Three of you have
already done this. Thank you so much for helping with this! The kids
really appreciate being able to work on their papers in this manner! :)
Parent teacher conferences are coming up at the end of October!
If you missed that email, here is the link:
Upcoming Field Trips:
31st-Fall party at Memaw’s House. Each child needs to bring in $2.00,
please. ~November 12th-Earthworks
~December 13th-School of
Upcoming Events:
October 12th--Soccer at LHS
at 10:15, vs Trinity; 4/5/6 volleyball tournament at MLA
October 14th-Columbus Day
October 18th-End of the
quarter/3rd grade book report due
October 18/19--Soccer
tournament at LHS; ⅞
volleyball tournament here! Please sign-up to help, if you can!
October 20th-Children sing
at SOJ
October 21th-picture retake
22nd-Home school report cards come home (full-time students receive theirs at
Parent-Teacher conferences)
October 23-25th- No
School...teachers at LEA convention
October 28th-No
School...teacher in-service
October 31st-Reformation
Day! Fall Party at Memaw’s/Parent/Teacher Conferences,
dismissal at 1:00
November 1st-Parent/Teacher
Conferences, dismissal at 1:00
November 6th-Donuts with
Dad at 7:45-8:30
November 12th-Earthworks
field trip
November 26th-Thanksgiving
Feast...more details to come...
27th-29th-Thanksgiving Break...No School
Have a blessed weekend!
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