Monday, October 21, 2013

Newsletter 10/21/13

Third and Fourth Grade News

October 21, 2013

Hello!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  This newsletter will cover what we learned last week in 3rd/4th grade, as well as some upcoming events!  

First of all, congratulations to our soccer boys, who took 3rd place yesterday at the KCLAL soccer tournament!  How very exciting!  We are proud of you...and a special “shout out” to Van, our 4th grade boy on the team!  Thank you also for all of you that helped at the
girls’ volleyball tournament this weekend!  This was our first time to host a volleyball tournament and all went well!  

The kids sang in church yesterday and they sounded so great!  A special thank you to Mrs. Mundt and Mrs. Krekel for all of their hard work!  We were amazing as we praised the Lord!  

Graded work will come home tomorrow with your child.  Please be on the lookout for this!  :)

Last Friday was the end of 1st quarter.  Report cards will come home at parent/teacher conferences on October 31st and November 1st..  If you have not signed-up, please do so soon!

Religion- Last week, we continued our studies of the Exodus.  The class divided into groups and talked about the important events for the Exodus and Passover.  Today, the children perfected their skits about this and performed them for the class, They did so well!  I believe we have some budding actors in here!  When we come back to school next week, (October 29th) we will be taking a short break from our Religion books to learn about Reformation and the life of Martin Luther.  

National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child is approaching soon – November 18-25!  We have some classmates who are really having some fun with this and sharing the love of Jesus!  Thank you SO MUCH for showing kids around the world a little extra love.

Language Arts- We talked all about adjectives last week and learned how to use them in sentences.  We also shared third grade book reports.  They did a fantastic job!  Their new form for 2nd quarter’s report came home today.  They will be reading historical fiction books. 
We read the following stories in class:  
3rd-”Harvest Birds”
4th-”Me and Uncle Romie”
This week, we will not have spelling or reading tests.  I introduced the new spelling words for next Friday, November 1st.

3rd-We worked with subtracting with zeroes and longer subtraction.  We focused greatly on problem solving.  
4th- We started learning about how to tell time to the second.  We worked with elapsed time and elapsed time on the calendar.  

Science- We began our Earthworks studies!  Last week we talked about what it means to work together and how to work as scientists.  We formed groups and teams, and discussed good teamwork.  This week, we will learn all about habitats and about energy.  Today we learned a new song that the kiddos will share, I am sure!  “Habitat!”  We will make food chains and learn what items in our habitats make the energy that we use to live.

P.E.- Last week in P.E. we began learned how to set and serve in volleyball.  We learned how to play a game called “Scatter.”  We will play this again tomorrow!  
Art- In art last week, we created Zentangle pumpkins.  These will be hanging outside of our classroom soon, and then will be coming home to decorate yours.  They are beautiful!  
Music- With Mrs. Krekel last week,, we practiced the song we sang at church on Sunday, as well as Christmas Pageant songs.  We also practiced beat with drums and other instruments!  
Writers’ Workshop- We are finishing up work on our personal narratives./  We also created letters to Mr. Kuerschner who celebrated a birthday on October 15th.  Thank you for sending in your child’s Gmail account and password.  These are coming in handy as we do work here at school!  

*Thursday, October 31st, we will have morning special classes because of a 1:00 dismissal that day.  Home school students should arrive between 8:15 & 8:30 and may leave at 12:15 when specials are over or stay until the 1:00 dismissal.  If they choose to stay until 1:00, they may bring their lunch or purchase a school lunch for $3.00.  The menu for October 31st is Spanish Rice Dish, Green Beans, Peaches and Milk.

Upcoming Field Trips:
October 31st-Fall party at Memaw’s House.  Each child needs to bring in $2.00, please. For those of you that misplaced the Sign-Up Genius, Here you go:
 This will serve as a permission slip….
~November 12th-Earthworks.  I have attached the permission slip to this. Each child needs one to attend.  
~December 13th-School of Economics

Upcoming Events:
October 23-25th- No School...teachers at LEA convention
October 28th-No School...teacher in-service
October 31st-Reformation Day!  Fall Party at Memaw’s/Parent/Teacher Conferences,
dismissal at 1:00
November 1st-Parent/Teacher Conferences, dismissal at 1:00
November 6th-Donuts with Dad at 7:45-8:30
November 12th-Earthworks field trip
November 26th-Thanksgiving Feast...more details to come...
November 27th-29th-Thanksgiving Break...No School

Have a great week!  


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