Friday, November 1, 2013

Newsletter 11-1-13

Third and Fourth Grade News
November 1, 2013

Hello!  We had a great, but short week here at school!  I hope you had an enjoyable long weekend with your kiddos last week.  We had an amazing conference in Milwaukee, and learned so many new fun things!  I am excited to implement some of those new ideas into the classroom….

We also had a lot of fun at Memaw’s on Thursday, despite the rain!  We enjoyed playing games inside the old schoolhouse, had a break in the rain for about 20 minutes and took a hayride, and then enjoyed our sack lunches and snacks provided by you!  Thank you so much for your help with this event!  It all worked out… :)  

Below, I will highlight some of the things we earned this week:  

Religion- This week, we learned all about the Reformation and studied the life of Martin Luther.  We created Luther seals and talked about the meanings of the colors.  We had some great discussions about eh Bible and how we are saved by grace, through faith alone.  The 5th/6th Grade gave a Chapel presentation that tied very well into the topic and helped bring some things home for us!

National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child is approaching soon – November 18-25!  We have some classmates who are really having some fun with this and sharing the love of Jesus!  Thank you SO MUCH for showing kids around the world a little extra love.

Language Arts- This week, we began reading our new stories, Kamishibai Man and Dear Mr. Winston. We will test over these selections next week.  We had new spelling words this week, and learned the challenge word : rambunctious.  

Science- We learned a lot with Earthworks this week!  We studied food chains, and how all of our energy comes from the sun.  We created food chains, while pretending we were various animals from Missouri habitats.  It was fun!  We also studied the ram, our school mascot, to learn about its habitat.   

P.E.- This week, we completed fun stations using different skills.  

Writers’ Workshop- We are finishing up work on our personal narratives and began writing Halloween stories.

Upcoming Field Trips:
~November 12th-Earthworks.  
~December 13th-School of Economics

Upcoming Events:
November 1st-Parent/Teacher Conferences, dismissal at 1:00
November 6th-Donuts with Dad at 7:45-8:30
November 12th-Earthworks field trip (No home school 3rd/4th graders that day)
November 13th-3rd/4th grades lead chapel
November 26th-Thanksgiving Feast...more details to come...
November 27th-29th-Thanksgiving Break...No School
Have a great week!  

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