Friday, March 28, 2014

Newsletter 3-28-14

Third and Fourth Grade News
March 28, 2014
Hello, Parents! We have been so busy this week!  Here is some insight on what we have been doing:
Religion- We finished discussing the lives of Elijah and Elisha and tested over this unit. God’s timing is always so perfect, and we had so many great discussions about heaven, and about leading our lives as successors to those people who have gone to heaven before us! We have a job to do on earth--and that is to share Good News with everyone we can! :) God is good!  In memory work, we are studying the books of the Bible.  Some of the children really struggled with memorizing these this week.  Please encourage them to study their memory work.  Thank you!   
Science-We finished up our unit over Living Things this week.  The children have been working studiously on their study guides.  We will test over this information next Friday.  As I told them, all of the questions on the test are in the study guide, so they just need to become familiar with it!!!  Studying notes is a new skill, but one that needs to be learned and that will be useful to them for the rest of their school careers...
Handwriting- We have learned ALL of the lower case cursive letters now, and will begin capitals next week!  Check out our hallway exhibit!
Math- Third graders are continuing in the beginning stages of division.  They will learn more next week.  Fourth graders began long division this week!  On that note, they are truly realizing WHY their multiplication facts need to be memorized!  Please, please, remind third and fourth grades, to study those facts!  We will plan to take our Winstead’s trip for all people who memorize them in the middle of May.  :) Today, the 4th graders do not have an assignment.  They learned how to divide today with remainders, and many of them are frustrated and still have to catch on...Knowing this, we will continue the instruction on Monday, BUT they need to practice this skill over the weekend.  Please ask them to solve problems like :  137 divided by 4 and 627 divide by 5.  Thanks!
Reading/Spelling- 4th grade book reports over nonfiction books are due Monday.  Both groups will pick out biographies next week, and receive instructions for their next projects.  We will need large size brown paper bags, if you have any extra around home!  Thanks! Both classes read some fun stories this week!  Third grade read a Chris VanAllsburg story called Two Bad Ants. Do you remember the movie “Honey I Shrunk the Kids?”  That is what this story reminded me of...pretty cool.  Fourth grade read a story called, The World According to Humphrey.  This was a neat one too, and talked about the perils of watching too much tv. A good reminder for all of us, I think… :)  Graded spelling and reading tests will be coming home today.  
We went to Harvesters on Tuesday, and it was an AMAZING field trip, and I am sure your child has shared the highlights with you.  What stands out for me are the servant hearts of our kids… They worked together SO well, came together as a group of third and fourth graders, and worked HARD.  Thank you to the parent helpers that were able to come.  We really had a lot of fun sorting bread, building boxes, and sticking on labels.  Please be sure to check out the pictures I posted online.  :)  

Special Classes:
Art-We worked on our Trivia Night art project.  We learned how to use salt with water colors and saran wrap with tempera paints to create cool textures while painting.  We will finish this up next week.  We are excited to share our masterpieces with you!  
Writing/Computer- We worked on partner stories, mom stories, and began discussions about our biography reports.  
P.E.- We played a version of dodge ball called “Survivor Dodge Ball.” It was a lot like the tv show!  We had a little trouble with good sportsmanship, but are working on it.  
Music- We continue to practice our parts and songs for the upcoming musical on April 25th.  Pastor Rich led our practice on Tuesday.  The children did fabulous!  Speaking parts came home with some of your children this sure to help them memorize!  We also did some artwork for the musical.  The children’s work will be displayed as posters, as bulletin inserts, as part of the program, or in an art display.  Exciting!  
Enrollment is still underway! It's exciting to see our numbers increase. If you haven't gotten your paperwork in, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible!

Trivia Night tickets are for sale.  Trivia Night is our biggest fundraising event of the year and we hope you will all join us!  It is always so much fun!  Our class’ art project will be up for auction too!   Tickets will be available in the school office, following all church worship services, or by sending the order form back to school.  Please pay careful attention to the information at the bottom of the order form—advance ticket prices are good only through Friday, April 7 in the school office.  We are looking forward to a successful and fun event!  We hope to see all of you there!

APRIL SCRIP ORDER—Due to Great Lakes Scrip’s vacation schedule, Trivia Night, and Easter we will be putting in our April order on Tuesday, April 1, to be sure all plastic gift cards will be delivered in plenty of time for our event and the holiday.  Please make note of this change if you are planning to place an order for next month for plastic cards.  This is a great time to try out the program if you haven’t done so in the past—you can even purchase a gift card to donate for our auction at Trivia Night!  Gift cards are always a big hit that evening!  If you’d like to order or review the information, please see our school ministries fundraising page.

We will be having our first track practice after school on Tuesday, April 10th, from 3:45-5:00.  All 4thgrade boys and girls are invited!  Our meets include all short distance runs (50m-200m), long distance runs (800m-1,600m), softball throw for 5th/6th grades, shot put and discus for older grades, long jumps, triple jumps, and other activities.  Practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday after school until May 15th. Please let me know if your 4th grader is interested!  3rd grade has something fun to look forward to next year!  

Upcoming Events:
30-Mrs. Warren’s Birthday!
31-4th grade book report due
4-Science Test
10-Track begins / Pictures 3:45
11-Trivia Night 6:00-9:00
17-Maunday Thursday (1:00 Dismissal)
18-21 Easter Break (Please check out Timothy's website for worship opportunities!)  
25-Musical, “Rescue in the Night” 7:00

Yours in Christ,

Kim Brunkhorst

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