Friday, March 18, 2022

Happy Weekend!

 Happy Birthday, Marline!

Hi, 4th Grade parents!  The weather is beautiful and it has been a fun week!  Report cards are coming home today, so please look in your child’s homework Folder for this envelope.  Thank you! 

             TRIVIA NIGHT is back!—Friday night, March 25. This year’s theme is A Night At The Movies and we can’t wait to see what fun team names, costumes, and tables you create. This TLS Scholarship Fundraiser is always a ton of fun. Grab your tickets and learn more at

     We are headed to the SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS on Monday, April 4th!  We started preparing this week!  We shared jobs and voted on our mayor.  😊  Congratulations to Miss Irelyn Meierer!  There were beautiful campaign posters and influential speeches given by ALL of the candidates.  It was a very tight race!  After receiving jobs, we met as countries and/or companies and began the planning process!  We filled out passports, and made shop signs.  We also studied the countries that your child will be “coming from” before entering Ellis Island.  We have enough parent volunteers to help at the Market for the entire day.  These people will be training at the SoE at 8:45, before we arrive, so we do need to have some parents that are just able to drop us off there on Monday morning.  If you can, please sign up!  Students need to be there at 9:30, and will leave school around 9:10.  We will meet the other parents there, and they will be able transport us back to school that afternoon. 

Here is the link to help:

             SPRING MUSICALS:

Preschool – 2nd grade Music program:  Friday, April 8, 6:30 P.M.

3rd – 8th grade Musical: Friday, April 29, 6:30 P.M.

Are you interested and able to assist with “preparing” for these performances?  Do any of these catch your attention:  costumes? sets? makeup? props? Cast T-Shirt ? design/type programs?  Please, use the attached sign-up genius according to your interest and availability to help.


  • BAND BEGINS NEXT YEAR!  Here is a letter from our band director, Janie Wilson:

Dear Parents,

Next week, all the 4th grade students will have the opportunity to try out band instruments!  For the past five years we have set a standard of excellence for our instrumental music program, and we sincerely hope you will consider including your student in the program next year.  The benefits of learning to play an instrument are many, including brain development and social skills like teamwork.

We’ll explore all the different instruments, and will help students select an instrument that will suit them.  They will bring home a form listing their choices.  Please discuss it with your child and make your instrument decision.  If they are interested in joining the band next year, please fill out the form that will come home and return it.

Feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have.  I do have several like-new, refurbished instruments for sale.

Thank you for supporting the band program at Timothy Lutheran.

 Janie Wilson, Band Director

Timothy Lutheran School Band


Here is what we accomplished THIS week:

RELIGION- We learned about Jesus fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament.  We talked about ways to use God’s Word to help us in several scenarios, and discussed how people that do not know Jesus may have handled these situations.  We were reminded that all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God!  Thank goodness for JESUS!

MEMORY for next week: 

3/22-For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Romans 6:23

3/25- For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus… ~Romans 3:23-24

LANGUAGE ARTS- We reviewed the story, The Very Important Day, which correlated directly to our School of Economics unit.  We discussed the many families in the story, what countries they came from, and more details about them.  We worked with quotation marks this week, as well as cause and effect, and chronological order. 

SPELLING WORDS for next Friday, March 25th (from Sacajawea)

million, collect, lumber, pepper, plastic, borrow, support, thirty, perfect, attend, canyon, traffic, fortune, danger, soccer, engine, picture, survive, seldom, effort, *interpreter

MATH- We are working with fractions!  This week, we learned how to put fractions in their simplest form, how to find equivalent fractions, and how to order fractions. 

SOCIAL STUDIES- We finished up the second chapter in our Missouri History books.  We completed the reviews today, and will test over this material next Friday, March 25th.  


Art- We closed our eyes and thought about our most special moments in life.  Then, after narrowing it down to just one, we drew pictures of them, and added watercolors, oil pastels, and markers.  We wrote about these experiences in Writing class this week too! 

P.E.- We worked on jump roping skills!

Music- We practiced singing some our songs for our upcoming Spring Musical. 

Writing- We did several writing and reading assignments that correlated with our story, A Very Important Day.  We also wrote about our favorite memories and had some St. Patrick’s Day fun!

Computer Class- We worked on publishing and played Prodigy.  

Have a fabulous weekend!

Kim Brunkhorst

Campaign posters...


We celebrated Pi Day!  Thank you, Mrs. Barnett!  

We met in our School of Economics shops this week to fill out passports and make our shop signs.  

Celebrating St. Patty's Day in style... :)

Also, I discovered what an axolotl is... I think the kiddos think that I live under a rock because I had never heard of one.  Aren't they just a beautiful, little amphibian?!  


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