Hello, parents! I hope you are doing well! Hasn’t this weather been nuts?! I began this newsletter last week, and have updated it this morning. Please take a look below at what we learned last week (during our short week!), and some upcoming news. Thank you!
- Friday
was the last day of 3rd quarter. 😊 Report cards will come home next
NIGHT is back! After a year off, we are excited to welcome back Trivia
Night on Friday, March 25. This year’s theme is A Night At The Movies and
we can’t wait to see what fun team names, costumes, and tables you create.
This TLS Scholarship Fundraiser is always a ton of fun. You don’t want to
miss out! Grab your tickets and learn more at https://timothylutheranschool.com/trivia-night/
• We
are headed to the SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS on Monday, April 4th! We started preparing this week! We will need some of you to help that
day! We will need exactly EIGHT
volunteers for this trip. Parent help is needed ALL DAY, but space is limited,
so slots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. They don’t let any
other parents in the building that day, except these EIGHT volunteers for our
school. Thank you so much for your
help!! These parents will have training at the School of Economics at
8:45. We will meet them there, which
also means we need some parents that will only be able to drive us there and
drop us off. We will need to leave
school no later than 9:10.
Here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4DADAB2DA7F58-school
Preschool – 2nd grade Music program: Friday, April 8, 6:30 P.M.
3rd – 8th grade Musical: Friday, April 29, 6:30 P.M.
Are you interested and able to assist with “preparing” for
these performances? Do any of these
catch your attention: costumes? sets?
makeup? props? Cast T-Shirt ? design/type programs? Please, use the attached sign-up genius
according to your interest and availability to help.
Here is what we accomplished last week:
RELIGION- We discussed Jesus’ infinite wisdom and power, by
learning about the miracles of Him healing the official’s son, and preaching in
Nazareth to people who NEEDED to hear Him.
We all NEED Jesus desperately, and we are so blessed that He is ours and
that He loves us! We also learned in a
wonderful Chapel message from Mrs. Otte, that God blesses us with His
creation. We are called to take care of
MEMORY for next week:
3/15- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God. ~John 1:1
3/22-For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God
is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Romans 6:23
LANGUAGE ARTS- As a whole class, we read the story, The Very Important Day, which correlated directly to our School of Economics unit. It was a story about families that were immigrants to the United States, and how they gained American citizenship. This is what we will pretend to do at the School of Economics! We will review this story this week and work with it again. There will not be a new reading story or a new set of spelling words. Students have until THIS FRIDAY to practice last week’s words.
MATH- We worked with factors, multiples, prime, composite, and the beginnings of fractions this week!
SOCIAL STUDIES- We began School of Economics training. On Monday, we were introduced to the whole concept, learned all about what our day there will look like, what shops/countries we will have, and what economics is. On Wednesday, we had filled out our job applications and had job interviews! Fourth graders met with Mrs. Otte and did very well! Today, students that are wanting to run for mayor will have their speeches, and are welcome to hang up campaign posters at any time. We are SO EXCITED! Students will find out their jobs on Wednesday.
Art- We worked on art work for the Celebrate the Arts
exhibition at Lutheran High School.
P.E.- We played scooter soccer in the gym.
Music- We practiced singing some our songs for our upcoming
Spring Musical.
Writing- We did several writing and reading assignments that
correlated with our story, A Very Important Day. You will see some of this written work come
home soon! They are publishing their
creations right now.
Computer Class- We worked on publishing and played
Have a great week!
Kim Brunkhorst
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