Friday, April 8, 2022


 Hi, all!  I hope you are all doing well!  I have been fighting a cold all week, but am starting to feel better.  I am so thankful to these kiddos who were gracious, and understanding, and gave me a TON of grace! 

  • The PK-2nd grade SPRING MUSICAL is TONIGHT, April 8th, at 6:30 p.m.  Please come!  We were able to get a “sneak peak” at their dress rehearsal this week, and it is beautiful! 


  • Timothy Lutheran Church is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt here THIS SATURDAY, April 9th, from 2:00-4:00, here at the Wyatt Campus.  There will be games, activities, fun food, and the hunt.  


     THANK YOU to our amazing parent volunteers who helped out at the SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS on Monday!  We had such a FUN experience!  I was so proud of how the kiddos worked hard, showed love to others, and paid of their loans!  :)  We even met some new friends from St. Thomas More Catholic School in Kansas City.  In fact, they enjoyed their time with us so much, that they want to return with us next school year.  We praise God for all that we learned and experienced!  


  • The middle of the 4th quarter is next Wednesday, April 23th!  Good grief!  MIDTERMS will come home that afternoon. 


  • A special note from Miss Rathke:  There will be a special meeting after school next Tuesday, April 12th, for any parent that is interested or willing to help with costumes or scenery for the upcoming 3rd-8th grade musical on April 29th.  THANK YOU in advance for any help you can give!

You can still see some of the needs here:

Thank you so much! 


  • If your child is not out for the TLS Track Team, but would like to participate in the two cross-country meets we have been invited to on April 19th and April 26th, please let me know, and I can give you details and get them signed up!  Thanks!


  • Please come and CELEBRATE HOLY WEEK with us!

Maundy Thursday, April 14:  Service with Holy Communion, 5:30pm, RD Mize

Good Friday, April 15:  5:30pm, Wyatt

Sunday Easter, April 17:  7am (with Holy Communion) & 9:15am (no 8am service), RD Mize; 10am Wyatt

Please join us for worship!


     SPRING MUSICAL:  3rd – 8th grade Musical: Friday, April 29, 6:30 P.M.  Please have your child in the classroom at 6:00.   Invite your family and friends! 


  • We rolled out the 4th QUARTER MISSION PROJECT this week. We will be raising money for the Clear Touch panels in the new classrooms that we will have in the fall. To raise this money, we have employed the help of 3 flocks of flamingoes! For $15, you can choose a yard for the flock to settle in for 24 hours. After that 24 hours, the flock will move onto another yard. Don’t want a flock in your yard? $30 will put you on the “No Flock List”. How many houses can you choose? As many as you want! Just send in your $ with the name of the yard you would like the flock to land in. If they are not a Timothy school family or church member, you will want to send their address too. Each flock will be accompanied by a sign explaining the flock’s presence. Our flocks can settle in a total of 42 yards. 7 yards have already been chosen. You can choose your yard between now and Wednesday, April 20. The flocks will begin their migration on Friday, April 22 and will migrate thru May 6th!  Join in on the fun!


Here is what we have been up to this week:

 RELIGION- This week, we learned the parables of The Foolish Rich Man, and Jesus and the Lost Sheep.  Our God is such an awesome God…you know that?!  He always works in these mysterious ways, and just gives His God Winks to us when we need them.  I sometimes insert a particular Religion lesson plan into our 4th grade schedule, if the students (or I!) need something in particular, but usually, I just follow them in the order our Religion series gives us.  Yesterday, our lesson was so near and dear to our hearts, and SO PRECISELY what we needed to hear, that it brought me to tears, and will be just something that resonates with me for such a long time…  The discussion was about giving all of our worries and fears over to God.  We wrote them all down on this web of fears, and then our lesson told us to use our finger to “write” our name on the palm of our hand.  God holds us ALL in His hands.  We looked back at our webs of worries and then gave those worries to the Lord by “writing” them on our hands as well.  As we wrote each one, we quietly asked God to help us to trust Him to help us with the problem, rather than worry about it.  It was silent in here for a long time , as each of us “wrote” these fears to God.  I could feel our Heavenly Father wrapping His arms around each of us as we gave our silent worries and fears to Him.  God is good all the time…

 LANGUAGE ARTS-We began learning about Harry S. Truman this week!  While learning about his childhood, it has been fun reading about places in the Missouri that we are familiar with!  We will continue in this chapter book for the next few weeks…

 SPELLING WORDS for next THURSDAY, April 14th: (from the book Harry S. Truman: Thirty-Third President of the United States)

although, magazine, introduce, predicted, tremendous, stomach, disease, probably, gradually, difficult, *diphtheria

 MEMORY for next week: 

4/12-Neither life nor death shall ever

From the Lord His children sever;

Unto them His grace He showeth,

And their sorrows all He knoweth.


4/22-Though He giveth or He taketh,

God His children ne’er forsaketh;

His the loving purpose solely

To preserve them pure and holy.

MATH- We have learned how to add and subtract like fractions this week.  Next week, we will focus on adding mixed numbers and solving word problems with fractions. 

MISSOURI HISTORY-Graded tests will be sent home today.  On Wednesday, each fourth grader received a biography of a famous Missourian.  Your kiddo’s job is to read the biography, take notes about this person, and then, in class, we will begin writing about the person we studied.  We will create a Biography Lap Book, which we will begin in class, but will need to be finished at home.  They have been given a due date of May 9th.  In the meantime, please help your child come up with a plan to dress up as his or her famous Missourian.  Please use resources you have at home or borrow from a friend.  We will be reciting the facts we have learned about these people, dressed as them, at our Famous Missourian Living Museum on May 10th.  (Think:  Night at the Museum!)  We will meet Josephine Baker, Harry S. Truman, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Maya Angelou, Molly Brown, Daniel Boone, Mary Engelbreit, Mark Twain, Walt Disney, Jane Froman, Yogi Berra, and Helen Stephens!  I have some excited kiddos in here!!!  (Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. In the past, I have had students wear a track uniform for Helen Stephens, bring a bat for Yogi, a suit for Harry Truman, a head scarf for Maya Angelo, a coon skin cap for Daniel Boone, etc.)  😊


Art- We finished  up our eastern bluebird masterpieces and began making beautiful “stained glass” crosses.  The eastern bluebird paintings will be on display when we have our Living History Museum in May. 

Aren't they beautiful?!

P.E.- We learned track events this week:  the long jump, standing broad jump, relay races, and some conditioning fun. 

Music- We practiced singing some our songs for our upcoming Spring Musical. 

Writing- We learned about alliterations and hyperboles.  We had some fun reading poetry by Shel Silverstein.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Relax if you can!

God's Blessings,


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