Hi, 4th grade families! Just a few quick notes! First, have a BLESSED EASTER!
- We don’t have school tomorrow! 😉
• Mid-Terms are coming home today! Please sign and return the bottom portion next week. Thank you! I’ve got some hard-working kiddos in here and I am so proud of their efforts!
• Please
come and CELEBRATE HOLY WEEK with us!
Tonight, Maundy Thursday, April 14: Service with Holy Communion, 5:30pm, RD Mize
Good Friday, April 15:
5:30pm, Wyatt
Sunday Easter, April 17: 7am (with Holy Communion) & 9:15am (no 8am service), RD Mize; 10am Wyatt
• SPRING MUSICAL: 3rd – 8th grade Musical: Friday, April 29, 6:30 P.M. Please have your child in the classroom at 6:00. Invite your family and friends!
• We
rolled out the 4th QUARTER MISSION PROJECT last week. We will be raising money
for the Clear Touch panels in the new classrooms that we will have in the fall.
To raise this money, we have employed the help of 3 flocks of flamingoes! For
$15, you can choose a yard for the flock to settle in for 24 hours. After that
24 hours, the flock will move onto another yard. Don’t want a flock in your
yard? $30 will put you on the “No Flock List”. How many houses can you choose?
As many as you want! Just send in your $ with the name of the yard you would
like the flock to land in. If they are not a Timothy school family or church
member, you will want to send their address too. Each flock will be accompanied
by a sign explaining the flock’s presence. Our flocks can settle in a total of
42 yards. 7 yards have already been chosen. You can choose your yard between
now and Wednesday, April 20. The flocks will begin their migration on Friday,
April 22 and will migrate thru May 6th!
Join in on the fun!
although, magazine, introduce, predicted, tremendous,
stomach, disease, probably, gradually, difficult, *diphtheria
4/22-Though He giveth or He taketh,
God His children ne’er forsaketh;
His the loving purpose solely
To preserve them pure and holy.
MISSOURI HISTORY-Please make sure your kiddo is reading his or her famous Missourian book and taking some notes over important events in his or her life. These will come home in backpacks today. We will work a bit more on the book reports in class next week. These are due May 9th and our Famous Missourian Living Museum is on May 10th. 😊
Dates to Remember:
14-18 Easter Break-No School
16-Bethany/Calvary CC meet and regular track practice
23-Alma Track Meet
26-Timothy’s CC Meet-The Rams Run
27-Spring Band Concert 6:00
29-Spring Musical –Grades 3rd-8th : 6:30 pm
30-Lutheran High Track Meet
6-Fun Day-9 am-3pm
9-April/May Book Project due
7-Hope Relays
12-4th Grade’s Famous Missourian Living Museum 10:00-11:30
(Invitations coming soon!)
13-End of the Year field trip—more details to come!
13-8th Grade and Pre-K Graduation 7:00 pm
17-Last Day of School
Clay was chosen this morning in Chapel to be an earthly king--complete with a plunger, bathrobe, and a blinky crown. ;) It was a beautiful reminder that Jesus did not come to be our earthly king, but to be our Heavenly King... and to further the Kingdom of God!
Have a blessed Easter!
He is Risen—
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!!!
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