Friday, May 13, 2022

It is the last FRIDAY!

 Hi, 4th grade parents!  Can you believe this?  It is the last Friday of school!  Good grief!

 Today was FUN!  We visited Fort Osage, McCoy Park, and Truman Library.  We had BLAST!  The weather (after a short thunderstorm) was beautiful, we learned a lot, and had great fellowship with one another.  I was a VERY PROUD teacher, as we were leaving Truman Library this afternoon, and the police officer that was on duty there, pulled me aside.  He share with me that he was “very impressed” with our kiddos and it was the “best group” he had witnessed in a long time.  Nice job, parents!   We were very blessed today with great guides, who were impressed with our knowledge of Harry Truman, Fort Osage, and Missouri history facts.  These kiddos have been working so hard, and were great witnesses for Jesus today! 


Yesterday, we hosted our Famous Missourian Living Museum, and I was SO very proud of how the kiddos presented themselves, and took their roles seriously.  We received a TON of compliments and I even had a few adults tell me that the kids taught them something.  😊  So proud! 

 On Wednesday, we were able to celebrate our mathematical knowledge!  ALL of the 4th graders passed their multiplication test and celebrated with an ice cream party!  It was also a pleasure to see you at the food truck picnic! 

A note from Mrs. Otte:

Welcome current 4th graders to the Middle School.  Take time to enjoy your summer and your time off.  When August comes, and you are bored of the pool, here is some advice to have success in Middle School:

1.  Continue to read all summer.  Students are to read 250 pages a quarter for Book Talks next year.  If you read this summer, you can complete the first quarter talk.  The library and Barnes and Noble both offer incentives for reading - earn free books for reading minutes.  Take advantage of the prizes!

2.  Find a free typing program on the computer to complete this summer.  We will hit the ground running with papers and computer class, so the more confident you are in typing, the easier it will be.

3.  Keep reviewing your multiplication and division Math facts.  They will come in handy next year in Math class.

Have a great summer and I will see you in the fall.

Mrs. Otte

 Here is what we accomplished in these areas this week:

RELIGION-We discussed Ascension and Pentecost this week and how our come is to GO and spread the GOOD NEWS of Jesus to everyone we meet!  Pastor Ryan led Chapel this week with this exact message!  Next week, we will learn about Philip. 

MATH-We took a test over Chapter 10, which was all about decimals and interpreting them.  Math books will come home during the summer.  They can practice their measurement, and adding/subtracting decimals to get ready for 5th grade. 

TIM-OLYMPICS-We formed our teams and have competed with banners, cheers, sportsmanship, Apples to Apples, vocabulary, Math Connect 4, Knock Out, and the Long Jump.  We will continue and finish up on Monday!

AUCTION-We will have our classroom auction on Monday.


There are only a few events left in the school year: 

  • GRADUATION is tonight at 7:00!  Come if you can!  

             It’s YEARBOOK TIME!  If you have any photos from this school year including:  sports, field trips, Moms and Dads mornings, school and Christmas musical etc.  Please send a copy of the photo to the following address:

  We have limited space, so not all the photos will be used.  We appreciate your help!  Order forms are due the 17th.

             We will celebrate Summer Birthdays next week:  Girls-Monday, May 16th; Boys-Tuesday, May 17th


Dates to Remember:


13-Preschool and 8th Grade Graduation 7:00

16-Girls’ Summer Birthday Celebration

17-Boys’ Summer Birthday Celebration; Last Day of School; Closing Chapel 9:00-Activities Awards will be handed out; 1:00 Dismissal


God's Blessings,


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