Friday, October 28, 2022

Have a beautiful weekend!

 Hello, 4th grade families!  Happy Fall!  Aren’t the colors outside amazing?!  God is SO good to us!

Here are some IMPORTANT notes:

*Report cards came home today!  Please be on the lookout for these.  They are in a sealed envelope in your child’s Homework Folder.  Thank you. 

*Our 7th/8th Grade girls will be participating in STATE VOLLEYBALL this weekend!  Please pray for them!  I am SO stinkin’ proud of these young ladies!  😉 


*SERVICE PROJECT-As a school, we are collecting items for “Busy Bee Bags,” to give to the children of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.  We are partnering with Lutheran High School of Kansas City’s Honor Society and we need your help!  Fourth graders are collecting small boxes of crayons.  If you are able, please send these into school until MONDAY, October 31st. 

*SCHOOL PICTURES--There was a problem with our pictures at the processing plant. They have been rescheduled for November 14th at 8:30 am.

*As a summary activity of our MARTIN LUTHER study, we will have a special German lunch (provided by the Brunkhorsts) on Monday, October 31st, which is also Reformation Day!  Students are welcome to bring their own lunches, grab a hot lunch, or to partake in our feast in the classroom.  We will be having family recipes of wiener schnitzel and sauerkraut, German potato salad, corn, and German chocolate cake.  

*BOOK REPORTS are also due Monday, October 31st!  

*TRIVIA NIGHT is November 4th! Tickets are available to purchase tonight at the Harvest party and will be available online here:!  Start gathering your team of 8 now. The theme is “Timmyvision!”

*On Friday, November 11, we will be holding a VETERANS DAY PROGRAM for the community.  You are welcome to come, too!  The program itself will begin at 9:00, but there will be donuts and refreshments offered beforehand for our guests.  Please feel free to invite the veterans you know and love!  BONUS - if you have photos of those who’ve served, we would love to include them in a slideshow during the program.  Feel free to email a digital copy or send in a photo (we will be sure to return it straight to you once it’s been scanned).  Please email or give these to our 3rd grade teacher, Kathy Romo.

*We had our classroom FALL PARTY today!  Thank you, parents, for all the yummy treats and the time you spent spoiling us!  We had fun hiking in the woods, hunting for zombies with math, drawing monsters, watching, “It’s a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!”   


Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION/LANGUAGE ARTS- We learned all about Martin Luther and the Reformation this week!  We read several stories about Martin, watched a few videos, dug into God’s Word, and analyzed parts of his life.  We also learned the hymn, “A Mighty Fortress,” penned by Martin Luther himself.  We are so thankful for the blessing he as to our faith, yet we know he too, was a great sinner.  We discussed ways we can stand up for our faith too—not recant---and share the love of Jesus everywhere we go!  We discussed nouns, verbs, adjectives this week, as well as character analysis.  The kiddos loved this song called, “Reformation Rock,” by Lost and Found, so I promised I would share the video with you…So, you too, can hum this song day and night.  You are welcome.  :)

7th/8th graders led CHAPEL this week, and we learned all about Matthew.  He was that ornery tax collector, but Jesus loved him and He loves US!  


MEMORY for Next Week:

11/1-For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things.   Let Your holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.

11/4-Say the entire Morning Prayer.  (We say this every morning in here…They’ve GOT THIS!)

SPELLING Words for Friday, November 4th, Story: "Dear Mr. Winston"

spark, prepare, cheer, tear, scarf, scare, repair, earring, scarce, weird, sharp, rear, spare, gear, hairy, compare, alarm, harsh, upstairs, square, weary, startle

Challenge Word: omnipresent

MATH- We are learning long multiplication, beginning with two-digit by one-digit.  We learned what this actually means with Base 10 blocks, and now are solving them with our memorized facts!  Please keep working on those facts at home!  I am so proud of these kiddos and far they have come in math already this school year.

SOCIAL STUDIES- We finished up out unit about the regions of the United States this week.  Study guides came home.  Our test will be on Monday!  I think most of the kiddos are ready!  We will begin Science next Wednesday.  Our first unit will be all about Living Things:  Plants and Animals!


ART-We made Zentangle Pumpkins.  They are adorning our halls too!  Next week, we will be creating Luther Seals.  If you have any supplies at home that you would not mind sharing with us, we will be using different kinds of media to make these:  cotton balls, sequence, yarn, rice, really anything!  If you have some extra lying around, please send them in by next Tuesday. We have some at school that we will use too.  Thank you! 

MUSIC- Students practiced songs for the upcoming Veteran’s Day Program.  (You’re a Grand Ol’ Flag!)  ;)

COMPUTER LAB- We worked on and published on Google Docs. 

P.E.- We played Doctor Dodgeball.  This was fun! 

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP-We used some goofy, spooky pictures to write fictional tales!  We can’t wait to publish these and share them with you! 

Have a blessed weekend,


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