Friday, November 4, 2022

I hope to see you tonight! :)


Hello, 4th grade parents!  I hope this note finds you well! 

 Here are some IMPORTANT notes:

*SERVICE PROJECT-As a school, we collected over 1, 500 items for our “Busy Bee Bags,” to give to the children of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City!  Woohoo!  Way to go!   THANK YOU!

 *TRIVIA NIGHT is tonight!  Come and have some fun with us!

 *We lead CHAPEL next Friday, and will teach all about the Disciple James.  Come and join us!  Chapel begins at 9:00 am! 

 *Next Friday, November 11, we will be holding a VETERANS DAY PROGRAM for the community.  You are welcome to come, too!  The program itself will begin at 9:00, but there will be donuts and refreshments offered beforehand for our guests.  Please feel free to invite the veterans you know and love!  BONUS - if you have photos of those who’ve served, we would love to include them in a slideshow during the program.  Feel free to email a digital copy or send in a photo (we will be sure to return it straight to you once it’s been scanned).  Please email or give these to our 3rd grade teacher, Kathy Romo.

*On Tuesday, November 22nd, at 11:00, the 4th graders will have their classroom THANKSGIVING FEAST in lieu of lunch. We will be studying the first Thanksgiving all that week, and all about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag. We will also be talking about all the things we, as Christian Americans, should be thankful for! What a wonderful way to praise our Father for all He has given! I will supply the turkey, cups, and plastic-ware. If you are able to help supply any items in the sign-up, please do so!  I have several outlets in our classroom for crock pots, if needed.  Thanks so much for your help!

 Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- This week, we focused on Gideon and Samson, and how they were judges for the people of Israel.  Both men, were sinners, yet led by example.  We had a great discussion this week about the battles that we face in our own lives, whether in school, or home, with friends, or even internally.  We had a very mature conversation about the power of forgiveness, and how we are only able to do this with God’s help.  We talked about how when we forgive, it as much about ourselves, as about the person we are forgiving.  Harboring resentment and hate only causes us to be weighed down with those feelings.  I was floored by some of the insight these kiddos had.  It was a great time of sharing our faith!  We also learned in Chapel this week that we are FORGIVEN!  What a beautiful message that was!

 MEMORY for Next Week:

11/8- THE FIRST COMMANDMENT- You shall have no other gods.

What does this mean?  We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

11/11- THE SECOND COMMANDMENT-You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.


LANGUAGE ARTS- We read the story, “Dear Mr. Winston,” which was a story of friendly letters written by a gregarious young girl named Cara.  The letters were supposed to be an apology, but…We discussed how that was not quite so!  😉  We also discussed synonyms, antonyms, compound sentences, and how to analyze a character. 

 SPELLING Words for Friday, November 11th:

from “Jose! Born to Dance” – learn, dirty, worn, sore, thirst, burn, record, cure, board, course, worth, early, return, pure, world, search, worse, thirteen, sport, current, curious, thorough, *aghast

MATH- This week, we learned how to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and how to regroup with multiplication.  We are learning new things and it is SO exciting in here! 

SOCIAL STUDIES- We tested over the Regions of the United States on Monday.  Graded tests are coming home today!

SCIENCE- We began our Science this week!  We talked about scientists and how they use Scientific Process to discover and things and answer questions.  Today, we worked as scientists, and tried to solve a “real-world” problem together.  Problem: Build a bridge of a certain distance, out of set amount of materials, to hold a plastic cup of 20 pennies.  I witnessed amazing teamwork, great conversation, and much success!   Next week, we will begin learning about living things. 

...and this one help MUCH MORE than 20 pennies!!!


ART-We finished up our Zentangle Pumpkins and also created beautiful Luther Seals out of different media.  Make sure you take a look in our hallway, or on the blog to see our work! 

MUSIC- Students practiced songs for the upcoming Veteran’s Day Program.  We are ready!

COMPUTER LAB- This week, students finished up publishing personal narratives and have begun publishing their fall stories.  

P.E.- We played Doctor Dodgeball.   

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP-We continued on our fall stories. 

Have a BLESSED weekend! 


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