Friday, November 11, 2022

Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you for the peace you fought to secure...

Hello, 4th grade parents!  We have had a busy and fun week! 

*HAPPY VETERAN’S DAY!  This morning was our Veterans Day program and it was SO beautiful!  We had quite a turnout!  The children sang several amazing songs about being Americans, loving our God, and loving our country.  It was a beautiful morning!  Getting able to share that experience with my dad and husband was very special to me too.  THANK YOU, Veterans, for giving of yourselves for the rest of us.  We have several parents in here that are veterans and/or active duty military.  Please know that you are prayed for and LOVED!  We closed with this prayer, which is very poignant:

Dear Lord, we honor our veterans in your name. We thank you – as we thank them – for their sacrifice. We ask you to return to them the favor of your blessing, a gift we on our own could never offer. We ask that you would give our veterans a peace beyond the peace they fought to secure, a peace in their own hearts, wrapped in the joy of a life touched by your strong hand. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

God Bless America video

Thank You, Thank You Veterans!

The two guys and veterans I love the most came by to say "hello" to my class today!  

*CHOIR-All student K-8 sing this Sunday at the R.D. Mize site at 9:00.  Hope to see you there!  Please wear any timothy gear you have or your Sunday best.  Thank you! 

*THANK YOU for your support and prayers as we led CHAPEL this week!  We did well, and I think we shared the message of Disciple James pretty well! 

*On Tuesday, November 22nd, at 11:00, the 4th graders will have their classroom THANKSGIVING FEAST in lieu of lunch. We will be studying the first Thanksgiving all that week, and all about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag. We will also be talking about all the things we, as Christian Americans, should be thankful for! What a wonderful way to praise our Father for all He has given! I will supply the turkey, cups, and plastic-ware. If you are able to help supply any items in the sign-up, please do so!  I have several outlets in our classroom for crock pots, if needed.  Thanks so much for your help!

*FIELD TRIP NOTICE-ALL 4th GRADE STUDENTS--On Friday, December 16th, we will be headed to see “The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever” at the Theatre for Young America at Union Station in Kansas City.  We will have just finished reading this amazing book!  😉  All tickets are $5.50.  I have reserved 28 tickets.  (20 students, plus me, will leave 7 more!)  I have paid for this in full, so when you can, please send in money or checks to me.  I have the link for the sign-up.  Please check of your student is coming, and if you are able to come and drive.  I am hoping that seven of you will be able to come!  Thank you!  Excited!

*HOMEWORK-Mid-terms will come home next Friday, November 18th.  Some of the kiddos are having difficulty getting their homework turned in.  If you will, please ask your child each evening about work, and check the gradebook periodically online to see how they are doing.  If they have not turned in an assignment, I have marked it “missing.”  I have also asked, prodded, and reminded, but at some point, as I have shared with them, they are going to need to take responsibility for their work!  THANK YOU for your help with this!  (I shared grades with students today, so those that are missing work, know.) 

*Please send WINTER COATS and gloves, etc., to school with your kiddo!  We love to go outside!  Thanks!

Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- This week, in preparation for Chapel, we learned a lot about the Disciple James.  We also talked about the life of Samson, and how his example shows us God’s forgiveness and provision. 

MEMORY for Next Week:  (We will be talking about the 2nd commandment and meaning in class next week.) 

11/15-What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so we do not curse, swear, use satanic arts, lie, or deceive by His name,

11/18-but call upon it in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks.

LANGUAGE ARTS- This week, we read the biography of Jose Limon, a famous dancer, in a story called “Jose!  Born to Dance!”  We discussed the obstacles he overcame, and the hard work and perseverance he showed to find his true passion.  It was a beautifully written story that had a lot of similes, metaphors, and reflective moments.  We learned a lot new vocabulary, and some Spanish words!     Next week, we will be have Literature Circles and read the novel “Molly’s Pilgrim” in groups. 

SPELLING WORDS for Friday, November 18th: (“Molly’s Pilgrim”) admired, ignorant, pilgrim, model, naturally, taunted, modern, tenement, giggle, clothespin, *synagogue

MATH- We have begun two-digit multiplication with regrouping and these 4th graders are ROCKing it! I am SO proud of them and how excited they are to be completing higher level math!  Woohoo!  We are also on 8’s in mad minutes, and I am just so proud of the progress we have made so quickly this year!  Next week, we will focus on multiplying multi-digit numbers and word problems.

SCIENCE-Today we learned about the 5 characteristics of living things, as well as what is needed to live.  Next week, we will learn all about plant and animal cells, and do a group “experiment” with a plant to find out how nutrients go from the roots to the rest of the plant. 

SOCIAL STUDIES- This week in Scholastic News, we discussed veterans the midterm elections, and we had a debate about smartphones.  :)  I loved hearing all of the opinions and though-out ideas!


ART- For our Veteran’s Day celebration, we painted American Flags, and covered them with words we found in magazines that spoke to our hearts about being Americans.  We found words like “love,” “peace,” “family, “friendship, and “eagle.”  We also painted beautiful poppies with tempera paint.  These are adorning the wall of artwork in the 4-G’s area! 

MUSIC-On Tuesday, we perfected our Veteran’s Day songs and our song that we will be signing on Sunday.  We have also began to learn some Christmas carols!  On Thursday, we had our Veteran’s Day rehearsal in lieu of music class. 

COMPUTER LAB- We published and practiced our typing skills!

P.E.- This week, we played Pin Dodgeball.  Next week, we will begin learning basketball skills.

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP- This week, we finished up our letters to Veterans and handed these out at the service!


Important Dates:


11-First cheerleading practice 3:45-5:00

13-Students K-8 sing at church (R.D. Mize) at 9:00

14-Picture Re-take Day

18-Mid-Terms come home—make sure your kiddo is getting work handed in!  Thank you for your help!

22-Classroom Thanksgiving Feast-sign-up is above

23-25-Thanksgiving Break—no classes

30-Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Reports due



14-Christmas Program/Advent Service 6:30 pm, here at school

16-Field Trip-Theatre for Young America-sign-up is above

19-4th Grade Polar Express Party (more details coming)

20-All School Bowling/Caroling Field Trip—(this date changed, so please mark your calendars!)

21-January 3rd (Christmas Break)

 ...and lastly, I would like to pay tribute to the wonderful veterans in my life!  I am so humbled by your service, and pray that we will never forget the sacrifices you have made.  I love you!  

Husband: Jeffrey Robert Brunkhorst
United States Navy

Dad: Michael Wayne Plecker
Air Force-E4 Sergeant
Vietnam War

Grandpa: Coy Stewart 

Grandpa: Merle Arthur Plecker
Army Air Core/Senior Master Sea 
Korean War

Father-in-Law: Ronald B. Davies
Army: Medical Corp
Vietnam War

Uncle: Mark Allen Plecker
Airforce: E4 Sergeant
Served in Bangkok and Thailand during the Vietnam Era

 Friend: James Corwin Lockard
U.S. Airforce
From 1998-2004
War on Terror: Saudi Arabia

(I don't have pictures of these special men!)
Father-in-Law: Larry Brunkhorst

Brother-in-Law: Craig Brunkhorst


Have a BLESSED weekend!  

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