Friday, December 16, 2022


 Happy Friday!  God’s Blessings!  

 *Our TLS CHRISTMAS/ADVENT SERVICE was beautiful!  A special THANK YOU to Mrs. Hatcher for all of her hard work!  I am so proud of our kiddos!  It was a beautiful example of Christ’s LOVE! 

 *We had so much fun on our FIELD TRIP today!  We saw the play “The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever,” at the Theatre for Young America at Union Station in Kansas City, and it was SO good!  It followed the book closely and there were lots of laughs!  Thank you to those of you that were able to join us!

 *POLAR EXPRESS/CHRISTMAS PARTY-ALL 4th GRADE STUDENTS INVITED-next Monday, DECEMBER 19th!  We will be reading books by Chris VanAllsburg, ending with “The Polar Express.”  On the 19th, the kiddos can wear their pajamas to school, (please wear or send tennis shoes too!) and we will watch the movie in the afternoon with some hot cocoa and candy canes!  Blankets and pillows are welcome for this fun day.  For homeschool friends, that are joining us, we will watch the movie after lunch, around 12:30.  (We will also be having cake to celebrate Baby Jesus’ Birthday!)


The whole school will head to Lunar Bowl in the morning.  We will return to school for lunch.  After lunch, 4th graders will be going to Benton House (1701 NW Jefferson Street, Blue Springs, MO) to sing carols!  We will come back after school and have some Christmas fun!

 *EPIPHANY PARTY – Friday Evening, January 6, 2023

Join Timothy Lutheran School and the Children’s Ministry of Timothy Lutheran Church in the joint celebration of Epiphany.  Epiphany is the day we celebrate how the star led the Wise Men to Jesus; the first appearance of Jesus to the Gentiles.  He is a Savior for ALL people of ALL nations!

This fellowship and fun evening for our students will include pizza and fun activities!  Stay tuned for more details and mark your calendars now to save the date for this evening of fun!

*NATIONAL LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK – January 22 – 29, 2023 – ‘Making Disciples for Life’

There will be more details coming to you in early January, but we want to share some basic information for your planning.

• Sunday, 1/22/23 – Grades K-8 Sing at Timothy Lutheran’s R.D. Mize Road - 9:00 Worship Service

• All School Devotions in the Gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:45 – 9:00 a.m. – Families are INVITED to join us!

*Wednesday will be our normal Chapel at 9:00 a.m. in the Gym – Families are always invited to join us!

• Scholastic Book Fair – All Week!

*Thursday, 1/26/23 – 1:00 pm—The Bible Bee (Student participants will be chosen from each classroom.  Parents are welcome to attend!

* Friday, 1/27/23 - Grandparent’s/Special Guest’s Day and Talent Show – Doors open at 10:00 a.m., Talent Show at 10:30 a.m., Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.

*Sunday, 1/29/23 – Grades K – 8 Sing at Timothy Lutheran’s Wyatt Road – 10:00 a.m. Worship Service

 *Third Quarter Mission Project – Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA) – We will be collecting nonperishable items for their Food Pantry

*Spirit Week – Our dress up days will include Crazy Sock Day, Christian Shirt/Hat Day, Chapel/Family Groups Theme Choice Day (themes TBD!), Decades Day (dress like your favorite time era), and Dress Your Best Day

(For more details, please watch newsletters, backpacks, and ‘The Wednesday Weekly’ after the first of the year for more details.)


Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION- This week, we learned about David’s son, Solomon, and his temple that he built for God.  We also took a “break” from our Religion books to review the Christmas Story, using the book of Luke.  We illustrated a poem about the first Christmas and have hung this up for all to see outside of the gym!  Please take a look!  This week, we have had fun “finding our wisemen” and reading the Advent devotions that go with them.  It has been a Christmas-filled week in our classroom!  Our Christmas prayer chain is almost finished too!

 MEMORY for next week: 12/20- THE NINTH COMMANDMENT

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.  What does this mean?  We should fear and love God so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house,  or get it in a way which only appears right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it.

 LANGUAGE ARTS- We began and finished the chapter book, “The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever!”  It is fun for me to hear the little gasps of surprise and the laughter when these kiddos are reading!  It is fun to see them so enthralled in a book!  We read together, independently, and with partners, and quizzed over each chapter.  We also focused on the vocabulary /spelling words from this story.  There are no SPELLING WORDS next week!

 MATH- This week we tackled LONG division!  I am proud of the kids and their positive attitudes as we have tackled this new skill!  I would say that most have it down.  We will review a little next week, and then review A LOT after Christmas break!  We also are taking our mad minutes over our 12s this week, as well as taking a mid-year assessment.  :)

 SCIENCE- We talked about the five different kingdoms and how living things fit into these.  Then we narrowed living things down to Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.  We discussed organisms with only one cell, and how organisms are named. We also shared our cell posters!  Our noggins are growing!  ;)


ART- We had two periods of art this week.  One was to create nativity art using oil pastels.  These are beautiful!  The other art period was to make your gifts and cards…so SHHH…no more details!  ;)

MUSIC- We practiced, practiced, practiced for our Christmas Program

P.E.- We were able to have PE once this week, and we reviewed basketball skills and learned how to play Knockout!

Have a super weekend!  

 Kim Brunkhorst

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