Friday, January 27, 2023

Happy Friday--what a week! :)


Hello, families!  Happy National Lutheran Schools Week!  Happy Grandparents’ Day!  We have had a WONDERFUL week!  Thank you for your prayers and your support!  We had a fun week!

 I also want to thank you for all of the prayers and notes of encouragement this week.  I appreciate them all, and am just humbly blessed by all of you and your sweet kids.  Thank you.  Services will be next Thursday and Friday, so I will be gone. I am working on finding a substitute.  With this in mind, the 100th Day of School is now on Friday.  I have decided to celebrate the 101st Day of School with these kids, (Monday the 6th) so I can be with them and join in the fun!  I will let them know of this change.  There is nothing that they need to bring to school.  We will have goofy, fun centers all day, and have a great time celebrating being in school 101 DAYS!  Thank you!


*** We SING, this Sunday-1/29/23 – (Grades K – 8) at Timothy Lutheran’s Wyatt Road – 10:00 a.m. Worship Service!  I will see you there!

*Please continue to send in food for our food drive this week for LUMA.  We are halfway there!  (Our class is ALMOST to our goal of 200! We have 166!)  

*On February 16th and 17th, we will have STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES!  We will have a 1:00 dismissal that day and begin conferences at 1:30.  Your child will be leading these and are excited to share their personal report cards and favorite work.  To sign up, please go here:

*TLS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION: “Back to the 80’s”--February 25th!

The Annual Scholarship Auction/Gala for Timothy Lutheran School is right around the corner! Mark your calendars to attend this year! Tickets are $50 each which includes dinner, all beverages, and entertainment. Virtual bidding tickets are available for $10 each Scholarship packages are available for those who would like to promote their business. Visit for more information or to purchase tickets.

 *Our class is sponsoring a “Kansas City Chiefs” themed gift basket for the auction.  Please sign up on this Google List to bring an item or items to add to the basket.

Thank you!


Here is what we have been up to this week:


This week, we learned the stories of Jonah and The Three Men in the Fiery Furnace.  We discussed faith, how to lean on God and not our own understanding, and also how to share that faith.

 MEMORY for next week:

1/31- Be able to say the entire Lord’s Prayer.

2/3- Luther’s Evening Prayer : I thank You, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day;

 LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES- We read the historical fiction story about the San Francisco earthquake called “The Earth Dragon Awakens.”  We had some great conversations!   We also talked about verb tenses.  With our shortened week, and my absence one day, we will continue learning about this story and the history around it next week.  We will also have the same spelling words, as we weren’t quite ready to test over them last week.  Thanks for your understanding!  Also:  Please don’t forget that book report are due next Tuesday!  

 SPELLING WORDS for Friday, February 3rd: from the story entitled, “The Earth Dragon Awakens”- rising, traced, stripped, slammed, dancing, striped, winning, snapping, bragging, handled, dripped, begged, dared, skipped, hitting, spotted, raced, dimmed, spinning, escaped, urged, striving, *centenarian

 MATH- We began working with patterns this week—nonnumeric and numeric patterns and solving word problems with patterns.  This was fun and we will dive more in next week!


WRITING- We worked on our idiom book! 

MUSIC- The kids practiced their songs for church.

P.E. – We practiced jump roping this week!  If you have a jump rope at home, this is a great skill (and great exercise!) for your kid to practice.  Some are really struggling with this.  We will work on jump roping in PE class next week as well. 

COMPUTER- We practiced a lot with Google Slides this week!  We continued on our “All About Me” slides, and wrote funny stories on Google Docs.

ART- We drew and painted cat contours.  These turned out SO beautifully!  I will take pictures of them for you next week. 


Important Dates:


30-Games at Timothy beginning at 4:30pm

31-Dec/Jan Historical Fiction Book Report due



3-100TH Day of School!

6-The 101st DAY OF SCHOOL—and our celebration!

14-Valentine’s Day—we will have snacks, pass out valentines, and some fun in the afternoon!

16-17 Mid-Term; P/T Student-Led Conferences 1:00 Dismissal --

20-President’s Day-No Classes

25- TLS Auction @ Adam’s Pointe Conference Center 6:00

28-Deadline for early enrollment/February Book Report due (Mystery/Detective Story)




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