Friday, September 8, 2023

It was a GREAT week!

 Dear 4th Grade Parents,

It’s been another great week!  :)  Please take a look below to get updates on upcoming events and to see what we have been “up to” in here!

*My 4th graders will be taking our MAP Growth Assessments next week, beginning on Monday.  What is a MAP Growth Assessment? 

It is a measure of what your student knows and how they are growing academically.  Timothy Lutheran School will be assessing students three times each school year for academic growth; early September, early January, and late April/early May.  My 4th graders test next week!  If you would like to understand more about this new tool for guiding us in the planning of our instruction, take time to read the attached Family Guide to MAP Growth.  (You will also get a printout of your students scores at the end of the testing process.  We will discuss these at conferences.) 

You may also find resources that include videos at this site:

*Timothy Lutheran will be walking in the Blue Springs Fall Fun Fest PARADE on Saturday, September 16th!  This is such a fun event!  The parade begins about 10 am, and we are asking that you plan to get to our float spot about 9:30.  We are #53 in line, which will put us in front of the old Freshman Center (now the CIC) in Blue Springs, on Vesper Road. We wear our Rams t-shirts, uniforms, or Timothy colors (red, blue, white). The theme this year is a jungle theme, with “Walk on the Wild Side.”  We are going to focus on being “Wild for Jesus!” The parade ends at St. John LaLande on R.D. Mize Road.  We ask that parents walk (or ride) with your kiddos, please.  Mrs. Hatcher has been working on the songs the kiddos will sing while we walk too!  What a way to show share the love of Jesus and show our Rams pride!

*PICTURE DAY is September 18th!  You can only order pictures online this year.  The address is  The code that you will need is 78643TF.  Thank you!

*The next PTL (Parent Teacher League) meeting is next Tuesday, September 12th, at 6:00 pm in the conference room.  Please come if you can!

*This fall, Timothy’s Children’s Ministry is organizing a Family Fellowship Night called OASIS on the second Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30 pm at RD Mize, starting Sept. 13th. This new program is offered as an alternative to CrossWalk classes so that families can gather together for a free, catered meal from 6-6:30pm in the Family Life Center and then break out into separate education and fellowship activities for both students and parents. Resources will be provided for family devotions at home on the other Wednesdays of each month. RSVP’s are requested to help in planning for the catered meal. Thank you!  Please click here:

*Timothy Lutheran School’s 7th annual WALK-A-THON is Friday, September 22nd!  (9:30-10:30 am) We are hosting this fundraiser to raise funds for our school—to buy ClearTouch boards for our mobile classrooms.  All students will participate by getting pledges and completing laps around the school’s parking lots.

-Pledges can be online!   Please click here:

-Please use this link to volunteer:

-Please use this link to send in snacks:


*PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES for full-time students are scheduled for September 30th.  (We do not have school this day.)  It is that time of year again! I am looking forward to visiting with you about your child's grades, work habits, MAP testing scores, and how they are generally doing in 4th grade! (This is just a parent/teacher meeting.)  As many of you know, I coach our schools’ 5th/6th grade volleyball team, and we have games here at Timothy that evening, so I have to navigate the conference schedule around these… To accommodate, I added some other afternoons and evenings.   Please pick a time that works best for you and your family.  If you cannot find one that suits you, please email me, and we will work something out!  I have made up a Sign-Up Genius for you to pick your time to meet:

*HOMEWORK FOLDERS will come home this afternoon filled with graded work.  Please empty these and return the folder on Monday.  Anything with a letter grade lower than a B can be “redone” for half a credit per answer, and turned back in when they return to school the next week.  (Except tests, please.)

*Graded work is recorded on SYCAMORE.  Please take time to see how your child is doing.   You will also be able to see their missing assignments, and remind them to get their work in!  We are having a bit of an issue with this, so please help your kiddos stay on top of this. Thank you for your help with this! 

Here is what we have been up to this week:

RELIGION-This week, we created A Book of Blessings.  We discussed how God created this beautiful world and all that is in it for US!  We thanked God for each letter of the alphabet, and the blessings that go along with it!  We also discussed the relationship of Abram and his nephew Lot, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and God’s promises to Abram.  We discussed God’s Laws and His expectations of us, as well as the Good News of the Gospel—that we cannot by ourselves follow God’s Law perfectly, but JESUS did it for us!  Because if this, we get to live with him forever!  Today, we had one of my favorite lessons, which focused on the privilege of prayer, and how blessed we are that we CAN talk to our Heavenly Father.  We discussed the different types of prayer:  Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.  The kiddos were able to write some of their prayers in our classroom Prayer Journal.  This sure is a praying family in here!

MEMORY for Next Week:





1 & 2 Samuel

1 & 2 Kings

1 & 2 Chronicles










Song of Solomon










LANGUAGE ARTS- This week, we read another portion of pour novel, Because of Winn Dixie!  We met Otis, the owner of the pet store, and Miss Gloria Dump, a neighbor lady, who just needed a friend.  We had wonderful discussions about being a good friend, and how to not “judge a book by its cover.”  These chapters actually led us into a great discussion about how we should be kind to others, and really be in tune to their feelings.  We talked about verbal and non-verbal cues.  This is a very intuitive class! 

We also discussed cause and effect, and found examples of this in our story.  We reviewed how to write complete sentences, making sure it had a noun, verb, and was a complete thought.  We talked about how to write sentences in 4th grade style, with more detail!   We have been working on DOL (Daily Oral Language) where we use editing marks to correct sentences that are just a mess!  ;)  We have done one together and one on our own.  You will see these come home this week.  Each child graded his or her own as we corrected them as a class.  Please continue to urge your child to read those book report books!  Thanks! 

SPELLING Words for the Week of September 15th:

Story: “Because of Winn Dixie” (Chapters 16-26)

skill, crime, grind, tonight, brick, flight, live, chill, delight, build, ditch, decide, witness, wind, district, inch, sigh, fright, remind, split

Challenge Word:  melancholy

MATH- This week, we practiced reading numbers up to the millions!  We also worked with putting numbers in standard, expanded and word forms.  We compared numbers, using greater than, lesser than, and equal to.  We put numbers in order from greatest to least, and least to greatest, and we learned how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,00.  As a whole, this group struggled with some of these skills, so instead of moving forward, we are going to practice these things again next week, so we can master these skills before moving on.  Math continues to build, so I want to make sure the skills are set before we move on!  Please take a look at the papers coming home, and you will see some improvement next week.  Thank you. 

Please also keep working on rote multiplication at home!  Flash cards are always helpful, and here are some great websites: and

SOCIAL STUDIES- This week, we studied physical and political maps.  We also learned many new things about our awesome state:  The state bird, the state nickname, when Missouri became a state, the state capital, and the highest point in Missouri.  We love being Missourians in here!  ;)



ART- We learned all about LINES this week!  We discussed the term “contour line,” and have drawn a contour of an animal to fill in with all of the lines we have learned.  They are cool!

MUSIC- This week, the students practiced songs for the parade!  They sound SO beautiful with their praises to God!  Hopefully, you will be able to come and hear them!

WRITING- Many of us finished up our BioPoems and illustrated our final drafts.  The finished ones are hanging up in our school hallway for all to enjoy!  We shared these in our Readers’ Theatre.  We also learned the steps toe the Writing process and began working on some of our own fun fiction! 

P.E.- We worked on volleyball skills this week—passing, setting, and hitting!

Have a BLESSED weekend!


Sharing Our BioPoems

Our Awesome Students!

Our Lovely Lines Art Project

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