Friday, October 20, 2023

Happy Weekend! :)


Hi, 4th grade families!  We have had a great week!  Can you believe today is the last day of the 1st quarter?!  Goodness, time has flown!  I will be finishing up grading and working on grade cards today.  Reports will be ready to send home next Wednesday.  If your child has any makeup work or work to redo, please have him or her turn them in by Monday.  Thank you so much! 

Please see below for information about some upcoming events, and to learn more about what we have been up to here in 4th grade!

 *Please come to the HARVEST PARTY tonight at 6:00, here in the gym!  Come and eat a pizza dinner, play games to win prizes, and enjoy some fellowship!  :)

 *We wanted to share a great educational opportunity coming to Timothy on Monday, October 23rd at 1:30pm. Kim Luke, a local AUTHOR, will be here to read part of her children’s series from The Enchanted Farm at Fort Osage. Following the reading, she will talk about her writing process and let the students ask questions. She will be offering pre-orders of her books that can be signed on her website and use the code TLS to waive the shipping fee. Kim will sign the books and bring them with her to the event.  What a great gift idea!

Video link:

 *Also, on Monday night, October 23rd, we will have TLS night at Vito’s PIZZA on 7 HWY from 4:00-7:00.  You can eat in, order it and pick up, or get it delivered, but you just need to say that you are with Timothy Lutheran School, and we get money towards our scholarship program!  What a great night for pizza!  :)

 *On Sunday, November 5th, at the beginning of the 9:00 service, our kiddos will be SINGING at church at the north campus.  (425 NW R.D. Mize Road, Blue Springs)  Please get there by 8:45, and sit with your family.  We will sing right before the service begins.  Please wear church clothes or anything red, white, and blue, or Rams! 

 *We will be commemorating VETERAN’S DAY on November 10th, with a service celebrating them!  Our students will be singing, reading poetry and prayers, and thanking God for our veterans!  We encourage you to use the attached flyer to invite family, friends, and neighbors to Timothy Lutheran School’s Veterans Day Celebration.  Everyone is welcome!

Date:  Friday, November 10th

Time:  9:00 am (Coffee and Donuts will be served at 8:30 am)

*Also, of you have any veterans you love and want us to celebrate in our slideshow, please send information to Kim Brunkhorst ( by November 6th.  Thank you!

*Here is what is needed for each veteran:

-A photograph (digital copies are preferred, please):

-First and Last Name of the veteran

-Which student this veteran is related to, and how...

-Branch of Service

-Years of Service

-Any other important information you may want added! 

(If your photos were in last year’s slideshow, please let us know this, as that information has been saved.)


 RELIGION- This week in Religion, we talked all about God and His glory and how it was revealed to the people of Israel in their long journey, and in their lesson with the Snake on the Pole.  We have talked about the sovereignty and power of God, and also of His forgiveness and grace.  Today, we talked about the “fiery serpents’ in our lives, and what those might be.  We too some time to lift these silently up to God in prayer. We also had a discussion and prayers for Israel this week, as we discussed what is happening there, and how we need to lift up our brothers and sisters in prayer too.  Next week, we will begin learning all about Martin Luther.


MEMORY for Next Week:

10/24-Luther’s Morning Prayer: I thank You, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray You to protect me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and; life may please You.


10/27-For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things.   Let Your holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.


LANGUAGE ARTS- We read the story, “Heat Wave,” and discussed the fantasy and realism in this silly story about a Kansas farm!  We discussed verb tense and sentence structure.  We also shared our “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” plays yesterday!  They were so fun!


SPELLING Words for Friday, October 27th:

Martin Luther, afraid, church, knight, monk, trust, choir, shield, scare, forgiveness, indulgence, Lutheran, heaven, victory, statements

Challenge Word: Reformation


MATH- We tested over Chapter 3 and began working with multiplication!  We had a Problem Solver day today, and worked in groups to solve some mystery math!  We are “knee deep” in 6’s, and will begin 7’s next week.  Please keep working on those math facts. 


SOCIAL STUDIES- We learned about the Midwest and Mountain Regions and completed map work.  It has been interesting to learn about the indigenous people from these regions and how they lived. 



ART- We created woven pumpkins that are decorating our classroom! 

MUSIC-Students are practicing songs for the Veterans Day Program. 

P.E.- We LOVED play Four Quadrant Didge Ball this week!  It is a favorite! 

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP- We learned and worked on verb tense and used these new skills in our writing. 

Here are pictures of our "play!" We have some very talented and creative kiddos in here!

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